if { [catch {open $filn r } f ] } { Report 3 "Could not open initialisation file $filn" return 0 } set textin [split [ read $f ] "\n"] CloseFile $f
if { [catch {open $filn r } f ] } { Report 3 "Could not open initialisation file $filn" return 0 } set textin [split [ read $f ] "\n&qu
Description Due to a problem in Intel® Quartus® Prime version 17.1, you may encounter above error when running the hardware test of the Low Latency Ethernet 10G MAC's dynamically generated 1G/2.5G/10G Ethernet with 1588 example design for Intel® Stratix® 10 device. Resolution To work...
Tcl与Design Compiler (四)——DC启动环境的设置 (1)启动环境配置简述 (2).synopsys_dc.setup配置文件的书写 (3).synopsys_dc.setup的讲解 Tcl与Design Compiler (五)——综合库(时序库)和DC的设计对象 (1)标准单元库 ①概述 一个ASIC综合库包括如下信息: ·一系列单元(包括单元的引脚)。 ·每个单元的面积...
Read in an existing dataframe using the tcltk interfaceprojectName
I.e. a file, which you could create with ln -s /broken/link . In that case iterate_sample.c shows directory listing only partially. And random_access_sample.c fails to open a directory at line 8. tinydir_readfile finishes at line 559 whe...
60280 - 2014.1 Vivado - Vivado runs fail for a project opened using a UNC path: "couldn't read file "<design>.tcl": no such file or directory" Description I opened my Vivado project using a UNC path format on Windows. However, if I try to run any of the flows I receive an error...
make run vsim/script=export_run.tclbefore starting the simulation. You will find the VCD in build/<SRC_FILE_NAME>/pulpissimo/export.vcd.gz where <SRC_FILE_NAME> is the name of the C source of the test.Building and using the virtual platform...
vivado/SDK创建工程时出现错误: [Hsi 55-1545] Problem running tcl command ::sw_intc_v3_3::generate : can't read "source_name(1)": no such element in array 解决办法: 改成:... 查看原文 ERROR: [Hsi 55-1545] ,无法正常生成fsbl,Unable to read in MSS file,Failed to closesw system.mss...
Hi, I am trying to read and write data ( Hex files in .txt format) into DDR memory of Arria V GT series FPGA. However I want to have .tcl code