给定的DTC值(例如0x080511)不得在对读取DTC信息的积极响应中报告超过一次,除了读取DTC快照记录,其中响应可能包含同一DTC的多个DTC快照记录(DTCSnapshotRecords)。 当使用页面缓冲区处理读取DTC时(特别是子函数=报告dtc状态掩码(reportDTCByStatusMask))时,在创建响应时DTC的数量可能会减少。在这种情况下,响应应填写DTC...
DTCFormatIdentifier 之后是 DTCCount(故障码计数)参数,它是一个包含根据客户端提供的状态掩码在服务器内存中可用的故障码数量的 2 字节无符号数。 0x02 reportDTCByStatusMask(通过状态码报告故障码) 客户端可以通过发送 0x02 字节设置为 reportDTCByStatusMask 的请求来检索满足客户端定义的状态掩码的故障码列表。...
本文解析UDS ISO-14229协议中的0x19服务的两个子功能:0x01 reportNumberOfDTCByStatusMask与0x02 reportDTCByStatusMask。0x01服务用于请求与客户端定义的状态掩码相匹配的故障码数量。客户端接收响应中的DTCStatusAvailabilityMask,了解服务器支持的故障码状态位。DTCFormatIdentifier报告故障码格式,DTCCount...
190x19读取DTC信息 ReadDTCInformation ServiceAllows the client to request diagnostic information from the server (including DTCs, captured data, etc.)XX0x120x130x31 20输入输出控制功能单元 InputOutput Control functional unit0x2F按标识符ID的输入输出控制 InputOutputControlByIdentifier serviceThe client requ...
The default system configuration information is recorded in the model_database.conf file, in which the BOARD name must be unique.For those with BUILD value as yes, they are part of the default packaged systems for the box, these boxes can be used directly. Those with the def...
编译命令(使用 dts 编译生成 dtb 文件) dtc -I dts -O dtb -o xxx.dtb xxx.dts # 3.保存数据并重启 sync && reboot # 4.[自选动作]根据需求进行测试 # 例如在解决 12.16 中介绍的问题时,重新安装测试 armbian-install12.14 如何修改 cmdline 设置在Amlogic 设备中,可以在 /boot/uEnv.txt 文件中进行...
<process status="suspended" waittime="97" spid="55" sbid="0" ecid="0" priority="0" trancount="0" lastbatchstarted="2010-09-29T12:25:08.143" lastbatchcompleted="2010-09-29T12:25:08.023" clientapp="Internet Information Services" hostname="WEBAPP6" hostpid="2216" loginname="masteruser"...
Monday, August 19, 2013 3:13 PM |1 vote Try the below: create a user and use the below: lang-sql GRANT INSERT, UPDATE, SELECT ON MyTable TO User1 --for multiples, it's TO User1,User2 Please use Marked as Answer if my post solved your problem and use Vote As Helpful if ...
The software features described below connect to Microsoft or service provider computer systems over the Internet. In some cases, you will not receive a separate notice when they connect. BY USING THESE FEATURES, YOU CONSENT TO THE TRANSMISSION OF THIS INFORMATION. Microsoft does not use the ...
dtcpb destination TCP base sequence number tcprtt TCP connection setup round-trip time, the sum of 'synack' and 'ackdat'. synack TCP connection setup time, the time between the SYN and the SYN_ACK packets. ackdat TCP connection setup time, the time between the SYN_ACK and the ACK pac...