在前面的基础上: 迦非喵:VTK9.3+CMake+VS2022+ReadDICOMSeries简单测试里继续重构: 参考: https://examples.vtk.org/site/Cxx/IO/ReadExodusData/有: CMakeLists.txt cmake_minimum_required(VERSION 3.12 FA…
首先确保已经安装了nodejs与mongodb。 安装mongojs npm install mongojs 连接数据库 var databaseUrl="...
parser= argparse.ArgumentParser(description="Read DICOM Series And Write 3D Image.") parser.add_argument("dicom_directory", nargs="?", help="If DicomDirectory is not specified, current directory is used", ) parser.add_argument("output_image", nargs="?") parser.add_argument("series_name", ...
namesGenerator.AddSeriesRestriction("0008|0021") namesGenerator.SetGlobalWarningDisplay(False) namesGenerator.SetDirectory(dirName) seriesUID=namesGenerator.GetSeriesUIDs()iflen(seriesUID) < 1:print("No DICOMs in:"+dirName) sys.exit(1)print("The directory:"+dirName)print("Contains the following DI...
示例2: read_dicom_series ▲點讚 6▼ # 需要導入模塊: import pydicom [as 別名]# 或者: from pydicom importread_file[as 別名]defread_dicom_series(directory, filepattern="P_*"):""" Reads a DICOM Series files in the given directory. ...
X = dicomread(filename) reads the image data from the compliant Digital Imaging and Communications in Medicine (DICOM) file filename. To read a group of DICOM files that contain a series of images that comprise a volume, use dicomreadVolume. X = dicomread(info) reads DICOM image data ...
matlab错误使用dicom>newDicomread(line210) Unsupported data encoding 最近用matlab2014a处理医学影像数据,在用dicomread()读取dicom文件出现错误;报错显示Unsupported data encoding--不支持编码格式,初步判断可能是dicom文件压缩格式的问题。 image.png 在网上查找相关问题答案始终没有解决,最后在同门师兄提醒:可能是matlab...
To read a group of DICOM files that contain a series of images that comprise a volume, use dicomreadVolume. example X = dicomread(info) reads DICOM image data from the message referenced in the DICOM metadata structure info. X = dicomread(___,"frames",f) reads only the specified ...
Syntax V = dicomreadVolume(source) V = dicomreadVolume(sourceTable) V = dicomreadVolume(sourceTable,rowname) V = dicomreadVolume(___,"MakeIsotropic",tf) [V,spatial] = dicomreadVolume(___) [V,spatial,dim] = dicomreadVolume(___)...
Abs 获取绝对路径 func Abs(path string) (string, error) pathAbs, _ := filepath.Abs("./...