Create beautiful browser & mobile mockups in seconds Screen Peak Create a mockup from a URL Mockup World The biggest source of free photo-realistic Mockups online Collab Shot Real-time screen grabs and image sharing Facebook Devices Images and Sketch files of popular devices Thre...
Google collab If you don't want or can't run locally, here is a Google colab that allows you to run the webui: Textual Inversion To make use of pretrained embeddings, create an embeddings directory (in...
route-planner-vue by @Kasheftin: The tool for planning routes with multiple sortable layers, draggable directions, markers and shapes on google map. MyDiary-Vue A diary application build with Vue 2.X which is also have contact and todolist function VueJS Example Projects on Github todo-m...
73 9 6 5 years ago swagger-elm/226 Generate Elm types and decoders based on a Swagger file 71 6 12 3 years ago elm-i18n/227 Localization for Elm apps as a pre-build phase with import and export between elm code and CSV/PO 71 12 1 3 years ago elm-json-tree-view/228 A library...
[11Star][6m] [Py] debasishm89/qhook qHooK is very simple python script (dependent on pydbg) which hooks user defined Win32 APIs in any process and monitor then while process is running and at last prepare a CSV report with various interesting information which can help reverse engineer to... Create beautiful browser & mobile mockups in seconds Screen Peak Create a mockup from a URL Mockup World The biggest source of free photo-realistic Mockups online Collab Shot Real-time screen grabs and image sharing Facebook Devices Images and Sketch files of popular devices Thre... Create beautiful browser & mobile mockups in seconds Screen Peak Create a mockup from a URL Mockup World The biggest source of free photo-realistic Mockups online Collab Shot Real-time screen grabs and image sharing Facebook Devices Images and Sketch files of popular devices Thre... Create beautiful browser & mobile mockups in seconds Screen Peak Create a mockup from a URL Mockup World The biggest source of free photo-realistic Mockups online Collab Shot Real-time screen grabs and image sharing Facebook Devices Images and Sketch files of popular devices Thre... Create beautiful browser & mobile mockups in seconds Screen Peak Create a mockup from a URL Mockup World The biggest source of free photo-realistic Mockups online Collab Shot Real-time screen grabs and image sharing Facebook Devices Images and Sketch files of popular devices Thre... Create beautiful browser & mobile mockups in seconds Screen Peak Create a mockup from a URL Mockup World The biggest source of free photo-realistic Mockups online Collab Shot Real-time screen grabs and image sharing Facebook Devices Images and Sketch files of popular devices Thre...