const u8 TEXT_Buffer[]={"stm32 flash write and read !"};#define SIZE sizeof(TEXT_Buffer) #define FLASH_SAVE_ADDR 0X08002000 int main(void) { u8 key; u16 i=0; u8 datatemp[SIZE]; delay_init(); NVIC_Configuration( ); uart_init(9600); LED_Init()...
3.Yes I'm trying to read immediately after writing ...I took code help from STM32G0 example . 4.I have observed than whenever I have a read/write operation , my debugger stops responding properly. 5.We have customized board having STM32G030 IC....
STM32寄存器开发习惯了,身为一个老顽固,底层还是想用寄存器开发(IO、通信啥的)。 使用VSCode开发,Keil和IAR这种开发软件不需要配置啥,没接触过感觉寸步难行,头文件的包涵就有问题了,不知道是不是我打开的方式不对,一直搜不到解决方法,没有针对我这种疑难杂症的,反复琢磨,今天终于包涵成功了,记录一下方法,可能会...
write(STDOUT_FILENO, buffer, sizeof(buffer)); return 0; } 2. 进程 在Linux中,进程是正在运行的程序的实例。每个进程都有独立的内存空间、文件描述符和执行上下文。fork系统调用用于创建新进程。exec系列系统调用用于在进程中执行新程序。 #include <unistd.h> ...
A typical OpenOCD configuration file would look like this (you need to flash the correct firmware before running this): # Set RDP to level 1 init reset halt stm32f1x lock 0 reset halt exit Note that the readout-protection will only be in effect once the microcontroller is reset or power...
/*读取stm32的unique id 与 flash size*//*func: unsigned int Read_UniqueID_Byte(unsigned char offset) desc: This function is used to read the unique ID in flash. parameter offset is the byte offset ,the max is 96/8= 12. return: the return value is indicated part of the unique ID....
STM32CubeProgrammer is able to connect to the STM32F103CBT6, and it seems to read from flash memory okay (all bytes are 0xFFFFFFFF). In the Erasing & Programming tab, Start Programming doesn't result in any errors unless I check "Verify Programming", in which case it fails with the fol...
stm32 H750 QSPI flash indirect write and read.Hi**吻痕 上传2.25MB 文件格式 rar STM32 QSPI stm32 H750 QSPI flash indirect write and read.点赞(0) 踩踩(0) 反馈 所需:1 积分 电信网络下载 Android实例之[Android实例] 继人员列表,聊天的实现,包括图片,语音 ...
I have published the following video discussing and demonstrating STM32F429 (similar or the same for various other parts too) Flash Option programming and operation, focusing on Flash Sector Write protection and the Flash Read-out protection - a very important aspe...