要安装加载项,你需要新版 Microsoft Edge。下载新版 Microsoft Edge✕主页/ 无障碍工具/ Read Aloud: 文本语音朗读助理 Read Aloud: 文本语音朗读助理特别推荐 LSD Software (100)400,000+ 个用户 无障碍工具 获取 与你的浏览器不兼容描述 厌倦了坐着,厌倦了阅读? 单击按钮,跳到床上,然后...
Read Aloud: 文本语音朗读助理 LSD Software (100)500,000+ 个用户 无障碍工具 获取 与你的浏览器不兼容描述 厌倦了坐着,厌倦了阅读? 单击按钮,跳到床上,然后大声朗读文章。 支持PDF。 许多现有的文本到语音扩展要求您选择要读取的文本,真是太痛苦了! 一些流行的甚至不起作用。 所以我...
Gerade_Kurve Hi, we have a similar problem here in Sweden. Edge is working - reading aloud when the PDF consists of at least TWO pages. If the .pdf is only ONE page the reading aloud is not working.It is stuck forever in the loading animation. We have the latest versionVersi...
Hello everyone, I have been using Edge for pdf-files since the beginning and also the read aloud feature. However since a few updates (don't know which started it) read aloud doesn't work anymore... I'm also facing same problem in both of my computer, It was working fine in older ...
The Read Aloud tool allows learners to listen to text while reading along on any webpage. This tool is particularly useful for:Learners who struggle with visual fatigue English language learners Readers with dyslexia Learners who prefer listening to text or are multitaskingTo have text read aloud ...
The Read Aloud tool allows learners to listen to text while reading along on any webpage. This tool is particularly useful for:Learners who struggle with visual fatigue English language learners Readers with dyslexia Learners who prefer listening to text or are multitaskingTo have text read aloud ...
Close all tabs and Exit the Edge browser. Re-launch Edge and check if the problem is fixed. The above solutions should fix Read Aloud not working in Edge. If you still face issues,try updating Microsoft Edgeto the latest version ordisabling any third-party extensionsthat may be causing trou...
1. 启动Microsoft Edge Canary,并确保你使用的是84.0.512.0或更高的版本。 2. 访问edge://flags/#edge-read-aloud-pdf 3. 选择 "Read aloud in PDF"标志为启用。 4.重启浏览器。使用方式:1. 在新版Edge浏览器中,加载任何PDF 2. 点击Edge工具栏上的Read Aloud选项,开始为你朗读PDF文档中的...
Microsoft Office If you use OneNote Learning Tools, Learning Tools in Word, and Read Aloud in Microsoft 365 and Microsoft Edge, you can download and apply new languages and voices for text-to-speech features. Important: Not all language packs support text-to-speech. View languages with tex...
The Read Aloud tool allows learners to listen to text while reading along on any webpage. This tool is particularly useful for:Learners who struggle with visual fatigue English language learners Readers with dyslexia Learners who prefer listening to text or are multitaskingTo have text read aloud ...