微软Word 的“Read Aloud Speech” 可以把你 Word 的整个文档用真人发音读出来。你按下 “Review” 便可以找到: 我的电脑是英文的 Window 10 和 Word 2019.如果Word文档全部是英文, “Read Aloud Speech” 读出来的真人发音是正宗英文全无口音.但如果是中英混杂,中英都被读出来,但英文的很奇怪有中国口音的。
新的 Read Aloud 目前已经邀请 Office Insider 用户在桌面端 Word 中测试使用,应该使用户更容易编写和审查文档。 Office Insider 团队解释说:“部分用户认为原来的 Read Aloud 太过机械化,你们正在寻找更加自然的朗读声音,就像我们为 Microsoft Edge 的朗读功能提供的声音。作为对这一反馈的回应,我们很高兴增加这些新...
新的Read Aloud 目前已经邀请 Office Insider 用户在桌面端 Word 中测试使用,应该使用户更容易编写和审查文档。 Office Insider 团队解释说:“部分用户认为原来的 Read Aloud 太过机械化,你们正在寻找更加自然的朗读声音,就像我们为 Microsoft Edge 的朗读功能提供的声音。作为对这一反馈的回应,我们很高兴增加这些新的...
微软改进Windows 端 Word 和 Outlook 中的 Read Aloud 功能:让朗读更加自然微软改进Windows 端 Word 和 Outlook 中的 Read Aloud 功能:让朗读更加自然 Office Insider 团队解释说:“部分用户认为原来的 Read Aloud 太过机械化,你们正在寻找更加自然的朗读声音,就像我们为 Microsoft Edge 的朗读功能提供的声音。作为对...
Hi, I have a 2019 MacBook Pro with macOS Ventura Version 13.2.1. My Microsoft Word Version 16.70’s read aloud feature hasn’t been working in a while. I talked to Apple & Microsoft agents—dideverything they suggested (update/un/install) but none of what they suggested help m...
Office 365 subscribers have access to new features — including Microsoft Word Read Aloud and Immersive Reading — that make reading easier. At this stage of your career, you might think reading documents is a baseline skill you’ve mastered just fine, thanks. But, whether you realize it or ...
Sometimes hearing a document read out loud is helpful. With Microsoft Word, you can take advantage of a text-to-speech feature that reads documents. Using Read Aloud, just sit back and listen. We’ll show you how to use the Microsoft Word Read Aloud feat
Office Insider 团队解释说:“部分用户认为原来的 Read Aloud 太过机械化,你们正在寻找更加自然的朗读声音,就像我们为 Microsoft Edge 的朗读功能提供的声音。作为对这一反馈的回应,我们很高兴增加这些新的和改进的选项”。 要在Word中使用这一功能,请打开文档并点击你想开始听的位置。选择审阅选项卡,然后选择“Read...
Iqra_Sharif MicrosoftFeb 23, 2022 Read Aloud now available in Word for tablets We're excited to share with you that the Read Aloud feature, previously available in Word on desktop and mobile devices, is now available in Word for iPad and Android tablets as well. That means yo...
Click onRead Aloud, otherwise, pressAlt + Ctrl + Space. Microsoft Word will begin reading aloud from the active page. You can also select the entire content (Ctrl + A) and click the play button to begin from the very top. You can use the playback controls to manage how the text is...