15 0 10:25 App Halloween Loooong Dog _ Kids Books Read Aloud 9 0 07:42 App TIME TO LEARN _ Kindergarten Books for Kids READ ALOUD with Puppets _ Going to S 3 0 21:09 App Miguel and the Grand Harmony _ Kids Books READ ALOUD! (Book inspired by Disney P 136 0 05:06 App Bull...
Kids Books Read Aloud _ OPPOSITES! Story Time with Vooks _ Animated Story Books是【120集】3-6岁英文绘本动画,【有配套PDF文本和教案】!火爆欧美的VOOKS绘本动画系列,与经典绘本配套的动画片!配乐一流、发音一流,绘本治愈大人和孩子!的第5集视频,该合集共计29集
This has officially become my favorite time of year to work at a bookstore. Some people delight in dressing up; I delight in dressing up displays of Halloween books. I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again: kids today don’t know how good they have it! (I hope that if you’...
欢迎收听由主播无敌宇智波为您带来的“每日英语早读|P32页Read Aloud|小学英语四年级上册”精彩有声内容,该音频时长7分42秒,已被收听342次。为您推荐更多相关的音频“小学英语课堂|P33页Connect and say|小学英语四年级上册”、“每日英语早读|P31页Story time|小学英语四
欢迎笨猪播的节目。 您可以查看我更多的栏目。 有0-6岁小朋友喜欢的童话故事,英语启蒙; 有7-12岁小学课堂,英语课文朗读,单词记忆,语文课文朗诵等; 有13-15岁小学课文朗读,英语课文朗读与讲解,单词速记等; 16-19岁初中语文课文朗读朗诵,英语课文朗读与讲解,单词速记等。以上...
Welcome to the original read aloud channel for children! Beloved by Kids, Educators & Authors, we have the largest online library of children's books.
This fun Halloween book for kids is a wonderful read-aloud filled with rhyming text. It is an excellent choice for children aged4-8 years old, and it builds great Halloween excitement in them. #5 书名:Room on the Broom 作者:Julia Donaldson ...
`STORYTIME" is a children's TV program that is at once simpleand educational.The show, making...Lynn Elber Of the
With an engaging search and find element on every page, this hilarious story is packed full of Christmas fun for kids to enjoy. The bouncy, rhyming text makes for the perfect read-aloud and Katy Halford's adorable art gives kids plenty to explore. A hilarious new holiday tale that's ...
Vooks is a digital library and streaming app of read-aloud animated children’s books that turns screen time into storytime for kids 8 and under. Vooks is a fun…