It is a perfect system for learning the language. The speed of reading aloud can be adjusted and temporarily stopped. Then you can read by yourself. Of course, some principle of the language is indispensable. In a separate notebook you can keep track of the still unknown words and verbs ...
(mostly) as he careens through the sky dodging airships and explosions. A red, scaly dragon emerges from the clouds and creates further excitement as the boy falls through the sky, quickly doing math to calculate his landing.The Most Boring Book Everwill for sure be a repeat readaloud....
As though animated by a common impulse, the onlookers drew back to a respectful distance;nor were they again indiscreet enough to interrupt. 去年十二月,约翰·桑顿冻伤脚后,伙伴们安顿好他留下养伤,他们自己继续逆流而上,锯木造筏,赶往道森。他救下巴克时,脚还稍微有点瘸,但随着天气持续暖和,竟一点...
At a particularly bad spot, where a ledge of barely submerged rocks jutted out into the river, Hans cast off the rope, and, while Thornton poled the boat out into the stream, ran down the bank with the end in his hand to snub the boat when it had cleared the ledge. This it did,...