📖 My personal list of cool words and their definitions, transformed and served in various ways. - vocab/README.md at master · StevenBlack/vocab
photoshopbattles 49 PsBattle: Obama winning connect four against Stephen Curry 46979 DnD 48 [OC] Hobby store was fresh out of Bugbear miniatures, so I had to improvise 38198 PeopleFuckingDying 48 Big doggo sacrifices it’s life for baby doggo. 45155 lifehacks 47 Remove taped paper without tea...
Previously, the first five minutes of all our rendezvous would be an ambling series of questions, like the soft beginning of a police interview that was about to get serious: “What’s that on your top, is that curry?”; “What are those bags under your eyes?”; “Have you always ...
Day turned into night and we headed back to our place to shower and change before eating an Indonesian style chicken curry and rice dinner on the beach. The rest of the night was spent bar hopping before eventually losing one another amidst the madness. I hung out with Ciaran and his frie...
Before she attended the meeting though, Jolie had some household duties she had to ensure were completed. Her fiancé, Brad Pitt is a big fan of curry and has a favourite Indian spot in London. It was stated that Pitt had been craving a good curry, and being the superwoman she is, Jol...