In Tcl 8.6, you have built-in support for this so you can do: set f [open $filename] zlib push gunzip $f set data [read $f] close $f The zlib push gunzip just attaches a suitable uncompressing transform to the channel. In 8.5 and before, you're best to read from a pipeline ...
Open a file, and then readin a file tcl tk if { [catch {open $filn r } f ] } { Report 3 "Could not open initialisation file $filn" return 0 } set textin [split [ read $f ] "\n"] CloseFile $f set full_text "" foreach line $textin { if { [string range $line end ...
compile_ultra命令包含了以时间为中心的优化算法,在编译过程中使用的算法有: A以时间为驱动的高级优化(Timing driven high-level optimization); B 为算术运算选择适当的宏单元结构; C从DesignWare库中选择最好的数据通路实现电路; D映射宽扇入(Wide-fanin)门以减少逻辑级数; E积极地使用逻辑复制进行负载隔离; F在...
strawberry orange procedure : proc callme {file1 file2} { set file1 [open $file1 r] set file2 [open $file2 r] while {[gets $file1 line1] != -1} { while {[gets $file2 line2] != -1} { puts "inside : $line1" } puts "outside : $line1" } close $file1 close $file...
The TCL file is also empty after this error occurs. I don't know the options variable since I have not defined any variable named options.Is this a known issue? How can I know what the options variable contains?Thanks in advance for any support provided.Design ...
To use predefined variables in an implemented design, put the "set" command in a Tcl script file and specify this file in the tcl.pre option in the Implementation settings. URL 名称 59158 文章编号 000018304 Publication Date 2/23/2017
D 大欺诈师1080P【字幕请自行添加】 D 大小姐x执事1080P(简繁内封) D 弹丸论破Ⅰ 1080P【字幕请自行添加】 D 弹丸论破Ⅲ 1080P【字幕请自行添加】 https...
(file "tmpsys:/lib/tcl/base.tcl" line 50) Tcl policy execute failed: Process Forced Exit- MAXRUN timer expired. 0 Helpful Reply Joe Clarke Cisco Employee In response to jakehull123 05-09-2013 01:41 PM Your stack trace still say "yes|#", so I'm a bit confused. Have you...
我在看一个CFLAGS的- CFLAGS=-g -w -D LINUX -O3 -fpermissive 在Makefile中。-D标志的作用是什么?我在手册页上看到 -D name Predefine name as a macro, with definition 1. 但我不知道该怎么解释。我的解释是把LINUX变成宏,在linux环境中只做-03 is...its -fpermissive。是那么回事吗?如果不是,那又...
Due to a problem in Intel® Quartus® Prime version 17.1, you may encounter above error when running the hardware test of the Low Latency Ethernet 10G MAC's dynamically generated 1G/2.5G/10G Ethernet wi