Japan restarts first nuclear reactor since Fukushima disasterMcCurry, Justin
TOKYO (AP) — Japan's nuclear watchdog on Wednesday formally disqualified a reactor in the country's north-central region from restarting, the first rejection under safety standards that were reinforced afterthe 2011 Fukushima disaster. The decision is a setba...
Japan's nuclear watchdog on Wednesday formally disqualified a reactor in the country's north-central region from restarting, the first rejection under safety standards that were reinforced after the 2011 Fukushima disaster. The decision is a setback for Japan as it seeks to accelerate reactor restar...
Fairewinds Energy Education is a 501(c)3 non-profit organization dedicated to furthering public understanding of nuclear power and nuclear safety related issues.
Following the nuclear at the Fukushima (福岛) nuclear power station in Japan, Germany has decided to abandon the use of nuclear energy sooner than it had planned.Germany was planning to cut its use of nuclear power slowly over 25 years. But now, the government has speeded up its program. ...
2048x1365 Six Years After Fukushima, Robots Finally Find Reactors' Melted Uranium Fuel"> Get Wallpaper 1600x900 Why we miss the crippled Crystal River nuclear plant"> Get Wallpaper 1600x900 Small Nuclear Reactors Would Provide Carbon Free Energy, But Would They Be Safe? Climate News"> ...
ToruKitagaki, ...AtsushiIkeda-Ohno, inJournal of Nuclear Materials, 2023 1Introduction In the severe accidents at the Fukushima DaiichiNuclear Power Station(FDNPS, hereafter, 1F) in March 2011, high temperature reactions between nuclear fuels and structural materials (e.g. cladding tubes, control ...
Nuclear Energy and EngineeringMany countries are reexamining the risks connected with nuclear power generation after the Fukushima accidents. To provide updated information for the corresponding discussion a simple empirical approach is applied for risk quantification of severe reactor accidents with ...
A drone small enough to fit in one's hand flew inside one of the damaged reactors at Japan's Fukushima Daiichi nuclear power plant Wednesday in hopes it can examine some of the molten fuel debris in areas where earlier robots failed to reach. ...
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