Build Blended Face Model 和 ReActor-Fast Face Swap,一个是用来训练混合的节点,一个是主节点。 从版本 0.4.0 开始,我们可以将面部模型保存为safetensors文件(存储在ComfyUI\models\reactor\faces)并将其加载到 ReActor 中,实现不同的场景并保留您使用的面部的超轻量级面部模型。 face_model_name:这个mix_face_...
4. 在ComfyUI中验证换脸插件是否正确安装 安装完成后,您可以在ComfyUI中通过以下步骤验证Reactor换脸插件是否正确安装: 打开ComfyUI。 在节点管理器中搜索Reactor相关的节点,如Build Blended Face Model和ReActor-Fast Face Swap(如[@2@]所述)。 如果这些节点出现在搜索结果中,并且您可以将其拖放到工作流中进行配置,...
【[182星]ComfyUI-ReActor:为ComfyUI提供快速简单的换脸扩展节点,让换脸操作变得轻松又高效。亮点:1. 支持多种换脸模型,包括ReSwapper和Inswapper;2. 配备NSFW检测器,避免违规内容生成;3. 提供丰富的节点功能,如卸载模型、保存和加载脸模等】'Fast and Simple Face Swap Extension Node for ComfyUI (SFW)'...
然后,就是主节点了,使用Fast Face Swap节点来进行换脸,主要参数如下: input image:需要换脸的图片 source image:需要参考的脸部图像(和face model二选一即可) face model:需要参考的脸部模型(和source image二选一即可) swap model:仅用默认的即可。 facedetection:侦测脸的方法,默认即可。 face restore model:选择...
The Fast and Simple Face Swap Extension Nodes for ComfyUI, based on blocked ReActor - now it has a nudity detector to avoid using this software with 18+ contentBy using this Node you accept and assume responsibility) What's new | Installation | Usage | Troubleshooting | Updating | Disclaimer...
The Reactor custom node "ReActor Fast Face Swap" used to work just fine. now, it fails after upgrading ComfyUI. I tried reinstalling a new conda env (python 3.11), with a fresh ComfyUI and Reactor install. I didn't install anything else. ...
1.第一步:输入cd ComfyUI ,然后在输入 pip installinsightface然后会进入下载页面 2.第二步,cd到custom_nodes目录,输入 git clone 3.需要下载2个文件: ...
The Fast and Simple Face Swap Extension Node for ComfyUI, based on ReActor SD-WebUI Face Swap Extension What's new in the latest update 0.4.1 BETA9 0.4.1 BETA8 0.4.1 BETA1 0.4.0 Installation Usage Main Node Inputs Main Node Outputs Face Restoration Face Indexes Genders Face Models Trou...
"ReActorFaceSwap": "ReActor 🌌 Fast Face Swap", "ReActorFaceSwapOpt": "ReActor 🌌 Fast Face Swap [OPTIONS]", "ReActorOptions": "ReActor 🌌 Options", "ReActorFaceBoost": "ReActor 🌌 Face Booster", "ReActorMaskHelper": "ReActor 🌌 Masking Helper", # --- Operations with ...
It can be found under Tools > Face Models > Blend. This feature is great because it can create better facial similarity results. The safetensors model should be compatible with the custom node version in ComfyUI. 👍2Gourieff and recycleaway7 reacted with thumbs up emoji ...