Simple methods, specially designed for the calculation of a self-quenched reactor pulse [9–1191011] give excellent results; some of these methods treat “room-return” and slow neutrons as additional groups of delayed neutrons. Sign in to download full-size image Fig. 2.8. Effect of a ...
The generation of daughters (radioisotopes) from the parents’ decay was not taken into account when using the JRC methodology for the calculation of the source term. 3.3. MAAP5 DOSE subroutine The DOSE module (which is tailored for design basis alternate source term application) enables MAAP5 ...
It is expected, however, that small changes to many of these parameters will not require the calculation of a new sensitivity matrix. Nevertheless, a plurality of sensitivity tables/matrices may be derived for different processing conditions and stored in control system 65. Which of the sensitivity...
extracts of the aqueous phases. The integrated signals of all functional groups of interest were then compared with the integrated singlet signal of the benzyl phenyl ether CH2-group at 5.05 ppm to allow the back calculation of the concentration of each compound....
However, the design and safe operation of the PWR is dependent on certain thermal hydraulic parameters such as friction factor and heat transfer. In this study, therefore the correlations for the calculation of the two important thermal hydraulic parameters are presented. Correlations used include: ...
The key parameters of the reactor system are usually different from the design value due to the calculation error, random and other uncontrollable errors in the manufacturing process and installation process. In a nuclear power project, the measured stiffness values of the dampers on the steam ...
The results were compiled by MS Excel 7.0 editor. Values of dose equivalent rate from RPV with cladding and from core basket in the centre of these components and in the distance of 1 m from their outside surface, when a "calculation point" was situated to the half of components height,...
To identify the difference in economic evaluation methods between the JAEA model and an internationally-authorized code, and verify its calculation functions, the generation cost of an advanced loop-type SFR system was evaluated using the JAEA model and the Generation IV Excel Calculations of Nuclear...
Table 1 compiles the important data of the cyclohexanol dehydrogenation process, for which the calculation of the external conditions of the catalyst particles (conversion and temperature) is considered. This is performed through the program reactor.pol. On the other hand, the effectiveness factor, ...
We derived a user-centered calculation model for such modules with regular internal structures. It was validated with Finite Element Analysis (FEA) and practical pressure tests for which the modules were manufactured additively. The performance of the calculation could be confirmed, and a design ...