<Button> <Icon type="upload" /> 点击上传csv </Button> </Upload> ); } } 如上图就是最终拿到的值 和我们新建测试的csv文件数据是一致的 中文也没有出现乱码 前端解析csv也就实现了 有兴趣的同学可以尝试下。 csv
File change & upload functions: changeFile:function(e) {this.setState({csvFile: e.target.files[0]}); },importFile:function() { data =newFormData(); data.append('file',this.state.csvFile); $.ajax({type:"POST",url:"/csv/import",data: data,dataType:"JSON"}).done(function(json){a...
I have to upload files regularly from a web frontend in React Next into Supabase. Files are in fix format (not csv). Each file contains more than 100 000 entries. I tried many solutions Uploading file in Supabase Storage + Using Supabase Database function. It block after abou...
If we re-upload our CSV file, an invalid row will appear as follows: Adding Custom Backend Validations on Submit Flatirons Fuse allowsback-end validation datain a simple way. To do this, we should use theonSubmithook. Every single record passed to the onSubmit function has a ...
uploadFilesChange(file) { // 通过FileReader对象读取文件 constfileReader=newFileReader(); fileReader.onload=event=>{ try{ const{result}=event.target; // 以二进制流方式读取得到整份excel表格对象 constworkbook=XLSX.read(result, {type:'binary'}); ...
Sheets[wsname]; /* Convert array of arrays */ const data = XLSX.utils.sheet_to_csv(ws, {header:1}); /* Update state */ console.log("Data>>>"+data); }; reader.readAsBinaryString(f); 原文由 Noman Ali 发布,翻译遵循 CC BY-SA 4.0 许可协议 有用 回复 ...
React-file-viewer : Display file from an API, I'm trying to use react-file-viewer package to preview pdf files in my application. Can I use this package with an api that requests for a file from an external file storage source ? App-a is a file storage application where I upload fil...
For 2.2.1, when a new game is created, the user can optionally upload a .csv or .json (you choose) file containing the full data for a game. The data structure is validated on the frontend before being passed to the backend normally. You should provide a copy of an example data file...