npm i react-scan-qr-code YARN yarn add react-scan-qr-code Example Usage After reading and performing the previous steps, you should be able to import the library and use it like in this example: importReact,{useState}from'react';import{QrScanner}from'react-scan-qr-code';constTest=(props...
h5-scan 移动端调用摄像头,扫描二维码(支持react和原生js) 封装jsQR,调用摄像头扫描获取二维码 (提升识别准确率/成功率可以尝试提高canvas的生成图片清晰度,例如引入hidpi-canvas,或者根据屏幕像素比修改canvas的宽高) Demo Demo移动端打开 兼容性 ...
onScanresultScan event handler. Called every scan with the decoded value ornullif no QR code was found. onErrorErrorCalled when an error occurs. onLoadobjectCalled when the component is ready for use. Object properties aremirrorVideo: boolean,streamLabel: string ...
Code README react-awesome-qr The React QR Component forSumiMakito's Awesome-qr.js Notice Not support IE, not support CORS resource. please use the forward proxy 不支持IE浏览器。不支持 CORS 资源,请使用转发代理 Try to scan these QR codes below with your smart phone. ...
通过使用醚,并使用{value: ethAmount}在方法参数列表之后提供选项myContract.myMethod(param0, ... ,...
Finally, the endpoint returns a screenshot of the QR-code you need to scan with the phone you are trying to connect. You may not be able to scan the small image and will have to open the image in a new tab. Furthermore, the QR-codes changes frequently, so you may need to do thi...
You can scan the following QR code to access the demo: License MIT npm i@jdcfe/yep-react Repository Homepage Weekly Downloads 1 Version 1.0.10 License MIT Unpacked Size 1.72 MB ...
やりたいことReact.js (TypeScript) で、form の text フィールドの入力を、QR コードを読み込んで自動入力したい。form は、react-hook-form を使い…
When set to false, when a QR code is scanned, the QRCodeScanner will not scan another code until it is re-rendered. When set to true this will reactivate the scanning ability of the component. reactivateTimeout propType: number default: 0 Use this to configure how long it should take ...