无功和有功功率(Reactivepowerandreactivepower) Activepowerandreactivepower 1.Activepower: Inaccircuit,thepowerconsumedbytheresistanceiscalled activepower,andPisexpressedinletterP. Singlephaseactivepower:P=UIcosphi Informula:P-power,foractivepower(W); U-phasevoltage(v); I-phasecurrent(Ann); Cosineofph...
magnetic potential,stator induction electric potential to increase, so, won't change, due to thepower grid voltage is know by the above formula, then must produce a behind thecurrent of power grid voltage is 90 °, is reactive current, the currentgenerator output reactive power of power grids...
内容提示: 无功和有功功率(Reactive power and reactive power) Active power and reactive power 1. Active power: In ac circuit, the power consumed by the resistance is called active power, and P is expressed in letter P. Single phase active power: P = UIcos phi In formula: P - power, ...
无功功率Reactivepower 系统标签: reactivepower功率功率因数电设备equipment 无功功率(Reactivepower) 1whatisreactivepower?Whatisactivepower? Visitors1936534explainone:1reactivepowerinACcircuit, thepowersupplybythepowerloadoftwokinds;oneisthe activepower,andtheotherisreactivepower.Activepoweris theelectricalpowerneeded...
Active power, P = (Current)2x Resistance = I2R If the circuit is a purely reactive circuit (resistance=0), active power shall be zero. Reactive power in a purely reactive circuit can be calculated using the following formula: Reactive power, Q = (Current)2x Reactance = I2X ...
In nonsinusoidal systems, a commonly used formula for reactive power is Q equals SIGMA E//nI//n sin PHI //n where n assumes values from 1 to n. It is contended that this widely quoted formula is based on a fallacy. It is an arbitrary mathematical value that does not represent any phy...
In the formula, where omega is proper known number, if assuming the load voltage approximately constant, a reactive power of the load may be obtained from a difference between the differentiated value of the current at the time t = T and the integrated value of the current from the time t...
The Particle Swarm Optimization algorithm (PSO) is introduced and its application to reactive power optimization in power system has been investigated in the paper. To improve the search efficiency of PSO, a third extremum is insert to the iteration formula to indicate the search direction and a ...
not only can the power factor of each phase compensation to 1, and can so that the active current of each phase to reach equilibrium. The basic principle of reactive power compensation: Power output power consists of two parts; one is active; the second is the reactive power. Direct ...
Power = 100 watts SWR (50 ohm system) = 1.152 (450 ohm system) = 7.813 Let's Shorten the Dipole... For the 102-foot G5RV we have: Frequency = 3.72 MHz Source 1 Voltage = 143.5 V. at -61.09 deg. Current = 1.441 A. at 0.0 deg. Impedance...