Doug Rempe has over 20 years of clinical physical therapy experience. He holds a Masters Degree in Physical Therapy, a Masters Degree in Education and is a Licensed Athletic Trainer. In addition, Doug serves as part of the United States Olympics Medical Staff and contributes his expertise to ...
Inflammation was introduced into the definition by Hargreave6 and subsequently incorporated into the National Asthma Education Program Expert Panel Reports from the U.S. National Institutes of Health.7,8 However, a definition based on inflammation is not helpful in differential diagnosis or early disea...
We tested whether secure base script knowledge 1) mediates or 2) moderates the link between reactive attachment disorder and prosocial behavior problems in 83 children (6–11 years; 83.1% boys) recruited from special education schools for children with behavioral problems. Children completed a ...
The clinical signs of hyperalgesia-related phenomena were just described. Other measurable clinical signs are evident and may be useful when assessing the "activity" of FMS and its association with other features or response to therapy. Compliance The compliance or distensibility of the subcutaneous ti...
Sleep Apnea and Cardiovascular Disease: An American Heart Association/American College of Cardiology Foundation scientific statement from the American Heart Association Council for High Blood Pressure Research Professional Education Committee, Council on Clinical Cardiology, Stroke Council, and Council on Cardio...
(e.g. gonorrhoea,Chlamydia trachomatis,Escherichia coli, mycobacteria andUreaplasma urealyticum), urethritis, testicular torsion, varicocele and several other causes like chronic prostatitis, inflammation of one or both testes (orchitis), and even by some drug therapy (escitalopram, tramadol, ...
reactive oxygen speciesNAD(P)HIMMUNOSUPPRESSIONHuman neutrophilsUltraviolet blood irradiation has been used as a physical therapy to treat many nonspecic diseases in clinics;however,the underlying mechanisms remain largely unclear.Neutrophils,the first line of host defense,play a crucial role in a ...
and K.C. Wong Education Foundation (G.Y.Y.). We would like to thank OE Biotech Company (Shanghai, China, for providing scRNA-seq, and thank Dr. Qidong Zu and Dr. Yongbing Ba for the assistance with bioinformatics analysis. Author information Author notes ...
There was no significant difference in age, education, stroke volume, and the in- tervals from stroke onset to screening procedure be- tween patients recruited and excluded. The study protocol and procedure for obtaining in- formed consent were complied with the Helsinki Declar- ation, and were...
On the other hand, stratification of hypertension risks in normoten- sive subjects is important for the efficient use of social resources for education and lifestyle guidance. However, how to stratify hyperten- sion risks in normotensive adults has not yet been established except for the fact ...