如何为 Angular 2 响应式表单中的所有表单字段设置默认值?这是重现问题的 plnkr下面的代码不会更新下拉值,因为它有一个与之关联的对象。注意:这里我需要使用从后端 API 收到的响应为所有表单字段设置默认值。组件.html<form [formGroup]="myForm" novalidate (ngSubmit)="save(myForm.value, myForm.valid)">...
import{ Component, OnInit, Input, OnChanges, OnDestroy } from'@angular/core';import{ Hero, Address } from'../model/model';import{ FormBuilder, FormGroup, FormArray, AbstractControl, FormControl } from'@angular/forms';import{ HeroService } from'../hero.service';import{ provinces } from'....
To create this form-model, angular uses a class called FormGroup. To define our form-model, we create a new FormGroup. The constructor of this class then takes an object, that can contain sub-form-groups and FormControls. FormControls represent the leafs in this tree. They are the smalle...
TEXT }) private name: string; @NgFormField({ fieldType: FormFieldType.TEXT_AREA }) private description: string; @NgFormField({ fieldType: FormFieldType.SELECT, selectOptionKeys: {labelKey: 'name', valueKey: 'id'} }) private authors: {id: string, name: string}[]; constructor(name: ...
import { Component, OnInit } from '@angular/core'; import { FormBuilder, FormGroup } from '@angular/forms'; /** @title Checkboxes with reactive forms */ @Component({ selector: 'checkbox-reactive-forms-example', templateUrl: 'checkbox-reactive-forms-example.html', ...
我设法通过在form value前面加上一个加号来修复它,并将其赋值给一个临时变量。
import { FormControl } from '@angular/forms'; export interface StudentRegistration { firstName: FormControl<string>; lastName: FormControl<string>; email: FormControl<string>; username: FormControl<string>; password: FormControl<string>;
The Angular Form Validation library has built-in custom validation support such as date, data ISO, credit card and more to validate Angular reactive forms. HTML view page elements in Angular reactive form Validate Angular reactive form by using Syncfusion Form Validation. ...
But what happens if you have a large number of different forms that need to be displayed, or the form that needs to be displayed depends on the underlying model object, which can change? Angular offers yet another option, which you’ll see in the next column. Happy c...