2 | PageThe chemical reactivity of hydrocarbons is determined by the type of bond in the compound. Although saturated hydrocarbons (alkanes) will burn (undergo combustion), they are generally unreactive to most reagents. (Alkanes do undergo a substitution reaction with halogens, but require ...
Reactions of Alkanes Combustion Alkane + O2→ CO2+ H2O Substitution Reaction Reaction by a halogen in presence of UV light. The halogens are F2, Cl2, Br2, I2. Example: Methane + chlorine → chloromethane + hydrogen chloride Cracking
andtheir varietyoffersawealthofopportunityforconvertingalkenestoanumberofotherstruc- turaltypes. Alkenesarecommonlydescribedasunsaturatedhydrocarbonsbecausetheyhave thecapacitytoreactwithsubstanceswhichaddtothem.Alkanes,ontheotherhand,are saturatedhydrocarbonsandareincapableofundergoingadditionreactions. 6.1HYDROGENATIONOF...
The principal reaction of the alkynes is addition across the triple bond to form alkanes. These addition reactions are analogous to those of the alkenes. Alkenes are unsaturated molecules, which means they do not have all the hydrogen they could have. This is because there is at least one dou...
reactingwitheachother. •Compoundsthatpreventradicalreactionsfromoccurringare calledradicalinhibitorsorradicalscavengers.BesidesO 2 , vitaminEandotherrelatedcompoundsareradicalscavengers. 3 RadicalReactions •Inthepresenceofheatorlight,alkanesreactwithhalogensto ...
When alkanes larger than ethane are halogenated, isomeric products are formed. Thus chlorination of propane gives both 1-chloropropane and 2-chloropropane as mono-chlorinated products. Four constitutionally isomeric dichlorinated products are possible, andfive constitutional isomersexist for the trichlorin...
All about enolates Enolates can be formed through removing the proton on carbons adjacent to a carbonyl (i.e. the “alpha-carbon“). The resulting anions are much more stable than typical alkanes since the negative charge can be delocalized to the oxygen atom via resonance. Enolates can be...
REACTIONS OF HYDROCARBONS REACTIONS OF ALKANES the single covalent bonds between carbon atoms in saturated and unsaturated hydrocarbons are difficult to. Chapter Menu Hydrocarbons Section 21.3Section 21.3 Alkenes and Alkynes Exit Click a hyperlink or folder tab to view the corresponding slides. ...
LecturePLUSTimberlake1 Chapter11 Haloalkanes,Alkenes,andAlkynes AlkenesandAlkynes GeometricIsomersofAlkenes AdditionReactions LecturePLUSTimberlake2 SaturatedandUnsaturated Compounds Saturatedcompounds(alkanes)have themaximumnumberofhydrogen atomsattachedtoeachcarbonatom Unsaturatedcompoundshavefewer hydrogenatomsattachedto...
ReductionofAlkenes AlkenesreactwithH2inthepresenceofatransitionmetalcatalysttogivealkanes themostcommonlyusedcatalystsarePd,Pt,andNi * Predicttheproductsofhydrogenation(reduction)of Alkynes * AdditionofHXtoAlkynes * * * AdditionofHalogenstoAlkynes