Sequential sampling models were at first mostly applied to simple visual and perceptual decision-making phenomena, but have also found application in two other areas. One of these is in modeling higher-order cognitive processes such as categorization (Nosofsky and Palmeri, 1997) and judgment and ...
Mark L.Latash,Vladimir M.Zatsiorsky, inBiomechanics and Motor Control, 2016 Abstract Reactions to unexpected stimuli at time delays (latencies) longer than those of typical reflexes (>40ms) and shorter than those of the quickestsimple reaction time(<100ms) have been addressed using many names...
In an effective field theory (EFT) setting, well-separated black holes (BHs) or neutron stars (NSs) can be idealized as two massive point particles moving on trajectories xµi (τ ) coupled to gravity. Finite-size and tidal effects are included by coupling an infinite series of higher-...