The whole electron chain and consequently photosystem II seems to be localized in the grana area. A part of photosystem I which might be responsible for the cyclic phosphorylation is thought to be localized in the intergrana parts. This picture does agree with that claimed from physiological ...
Which step of the cellular respiration process produces the most ATP per molecule of glucose? A) NADH is oxidized by the electron transport chain. B) FADH_2 is oxidized by the electron transport chain. C) Glucose is reduced to pyruvate. D) Succin...
In the electron transport chain, the role of ubiquinone (UQ) as an electron and proton carrier has become more evident with the proposal of Q-cycle mechanisms for the cytochrome bc 1 complexes of photosynthetic bacteria (1–3) and mitochondria (4–6) and for the mitochondrial NADH:UQ oxidore...
The electron transport chain (ETC) is an example of an ___. a. endergonic reaction b. exergonic reaction. Enzymes: A. increase the amount of energy released during a reaction. B. decrease the amount of energy required for a reaction. C. inc...
It is the basic objective of redox couples in the electron transport chain to have a larger −ΔG than ATP hydrolysis (ΔG = −7.3 kcal). Sufficiently large redox couples will generate enough energy to possibly drive ATP production by oxidative phosphorylation: ADP+Pi⇆ATP+H2O(ΔG=7.3kc...
(DCMU, 二氯苯二甲基脲): PSII的QA→QB KCN 和 Hg: 抑制PC氧化, DBMIB(二溴甲基异丙基笨醌), cytb f复合物抑制剂 6 Paraquat(百草枯,甲基紫金), PSI 抑制剂 Sites of action for the chloroplast electron transport chain 解偶联剂:使电子传递过程不再偶联磷酸化,这类抑 制剂的主要作用是消除跨膜H+ 电...
TheHillReactioninIsolatedChloroplasts:在离体叶绿体希尔反应 Exercise 4 The Hill Reaction in Isolated Chloroplasts
The PsaA/B dimer binds the majority of cofactors of the electron transport chain, as well as ca. 90 Chlorophyll-a (Chl-a) molecules [2]. Light-induced charge separation sends an electron from the primary donor P700 to the electron transfer cofactors that convey the electron to ferredoxin ...
Sites of action for the chloroplast electron transport chain 解偶联剂:使电子传递过程不再偶联磷酸化,这类抑 制剂的主要作用是消除跨膜H + 电化学势差 增加膜对H + 的透性或解除偶联因子渗漏质 子的能力。常见有:DNP,CCCP(羰基氰- 3-氯苯腙),短杆菌肽,尼日利亚菌素 ...
The next challenge for solar energy transduction in an artificial protein is to assemble a multi-step electron transport chain that can convert photon energy to a charge-separated state that persists long enough to be used for chemical reactions such as fuel production. To this end, we have ...