📹🔊 Web app recognizer of objects in camera. Also you can hear which objects are detected. And it works offline after first load! reactmachine-learningcamerassdtensorflow-experimentsreact-webcamsingle-shot-multibox-detectortensorflow-js
Hello, Is it possible to switch from front to back camera ? I tried to change it using the state but nothing happen. I don't know if it's a bug or a feature to ask for. Thx for your help. commentedNov 19, 2019 @tneelsthanks for submitting this issue and that's a great question!
mirroredbooleanfalseshow camera preview and get the screenshot mirrored mainCamerabooleanfalseshould use a main camera (requires Navigator.mediaDevices.enumerateDevices) frontCamerabooleanfalseshould use a front camera (MediaTrackConstraints['facingFront'] === 'user') ...
Use back camera by default (configurable) Support continuous/one-off scanning Support custom video filter Installation Step 1: Download the npm package ## using npm npm install react-webcam-qr-scanner.ts qr-scanner ## or using yarn yarn add react-webcam-qr-scanner.ts qr-scanner ## or usin...
In the Settings menu, click the webcam icon and change the camera option to match the webcam you are using Note to Google Chrome users: If the webcam area on the page is blank, and you can't access the Flash settings menu, click the small camera icon to the right of your browser ...
onUserMediaError function noop callback for when component can't receive a media stream with MediaStreamError param screenshotQuality number 0.92 quality of screenshot(0 to 1) audioConstraints object MediaStreamConstraint(s) for the audio videoConstraints object MediaStreamConstraints(s) for the video...
constraints MediaTrackConstraints { facingMode: 'user' } ☐ Specify which camera should be used (if available) onSuccess (text: string) => void none 🗹 Callback for retrieving the result onError (e?: Error) => void none ☐ Callback for retrieving the error when one occurs onLoad (...
I'll add it back later if it is needed for some reason. A React component for reading QR codes from the webcam. It uses the WebRTC standards for reading webcam data and jsQR is used for detecting QR codes in that data. To optimise the speed and experience, a web-worker is used ...
mirroredbooleanfalseshow camera preview and get the screenshot mirrored minScreenshotHeightnumbermin height of screenshot minScreenshotWidthnumbermin width of screenshot onUserMediafunctionnoopcallback for when component receives a media stream onUserMediaErrorfunctionnoopcallback for when component can't...
cameraResolutionTypestringvideo track resolution size -('UHD' | 'QHD' | 'FHD' | 'HD') requestTimeLimitnumberlimiting the media stream request by time onStreamRequestfunctioncallback for when component requests a media stream onStreamStartfunctioncallback for when component starts a media stream ...