SVGR is entirely configurable. Use built-in settings or create your own plugin for advanced use-cases. Used by everyone SVGR is literally everywhere. WordPress, Next.js, Create React App. You probably already use SVGR in your project.
import { ReactComponent as IconName } from './icons/IconName';导入生成的 SVG 组件。 <IconName alt="Description of the SVG icon" />使用导入的组件,并为其添加 alt 属性。 通过以上步骤,你可以使用 svgr 将 SVG 文件转换为可导入的 React 组件,并在导入时为 SVG 添加 alt 属性,以提供对于屏幕...
通过create-react-app 搭建的项目不需要使用 @svgr/webpack 进行编译,可以直接导入 SVG 作为 React 组件使用 import { ReactComponent as Logo } from './logo.svg'; const App = () => ( {/\* Logo 是一个实际的 React 组件 \*/} <Logo /> ); 官方文档:
。create-react-app是一个用于快速创建React应用程序的脚手架工具,而svgr是一个将SVG图标转换为React组件的工具。当在使用create-react-app创建的项目中使用svgr时,可能会遇到webpack错误。 这种错误通常是由于webpack配置的问题导致的。create-react-app隐藏了webpack配置,因此我们无法直接修改它。但是,我们可以通过...
"react":"^18.2.0", "react-dom":"^18.2.0", "vite-plugin-svgr":"^2.4.0" }, "devDependencies": { "@types/react":"^18.0.28", "@types/react-dom":"^18.0.11", "@vitejs/plugin-react":"^3.1.0", "vite":"^4.2.0-beta.1" ...
SVGR transforms SVG into ready to use components. It is part of create-react-app and makes SVG integration into your React projects easy.DocsSee the documentation at for more information about using svgr!Quicklinks to some of the most-visited pages:...
SVGR transforms SVG into ready to use components. It is part of create-react-app and makes SVG integration into your React projects easy. Docs See the documentation atreact-svgr.comfor more information about usingsvgr! Quicklinks to some of the most-visited pages: ...
将SVG转换为React组件:lion:-React开发 将SVG转换为React组件online在线尝试! 在React Europe上观看演讲npx @ svgr / cli支持SVGR SVGR是MIT许可的开源项目。 这是将SVG转换为React组件online在线尝试! 在React Europe上观看演讲SVGR将SVG转换为可立即使用的组件。 它是create-react-app的一部分,使SVG轻松集成到...
Tranform SVG into React components 🦁 Try it out online! npm install svgr Example Take an icon.svg: <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <svg width="48px" height="1px" viewBox="0 0 48 1" version="1.1" xmlns="" xmlns:xlink="http://www.w3.or...
This PR enables SVGR'srefoptionif we are using React, which forwards ref to the root SVG tag. Linked Issues Additional context Hi ! I'm in favour of this change. I know that thereact-iconssuffers from the same problem of ref not being passed to the component (like thisissueon their ...