My project wasn't working on production when I had react-router-dom@v5.0.1 installed but works when I downgraded to v4.3.1. 👍 3 tmacwill commented Sep 19, 2019 same here—I'm using a HashRouter in my Electron app packaged with electron-webpack, and Redirect doesn't work with...
我正在使用react-router-dom v6,我正在访问from对象中的值location,它给出了pathname但在执行navigate(from,{replace:true})时它不起作用。const navigate = useNavigate(); const { state } = useLocation(); const from = state ? state.from.pathname : '/'; const [isDone, setIsDone] = ...
There is a draftPRin okta-react repo to handle the react-router-6.0 update. Okta is watching the official release of react-router-6.0, and will actively working on a release when it’s available on npm. Relevant docs and samples would be updated too. Would you be able to use react...
So if we navigate to localhost:3000/planets in our browser, React Router will redirect to localhost:3000 and display the Home component because the route localhost:3000/planets does not exist in our routing config.Using Router with no path props...
// Runtime-specific APIsimport{ createFileSessionStorage }from"@react-router/node";// Runtime-agnostic APIsimport{ redirect, useLoaderData }from"react-router"; Removed APIs The following APIs have been removed in React Router v7: json
error TS2605: JSX element type 'Redirect' is not a constructor function for JSX elements. Types of property 'setState' are incompatible. Type '{ <K extends never>(f: (prevState: void, props: RedirectProps) => Pick<void, K>, callback?: (() =...' is not assignable to type '{ <...
334 - Add's a new `redirectDocument()` function which allows users to specify that a redirect from a `loader`/`action` should trigger a document reload (via `window.location`) instead of attempting to navigate to the redirected location via React Router ([#10705](
\n redirect,\n redirectdocument,\n rendermatches,\n resolvepath,\n useactiondata,\n useasyncerror,\n useasyncvalue,\n useblocker,\n usehref,\n useinroutercontext,\n useloaderdata,\n uselocation,\n usematch,\n usematches,\n usenavigate,\n usenavigation,\n usenavigationtype,\n use...
Sometimes after clicking browser back button the hash url is returned back, if I say "do not redirect me", sometimes no.. But in both cases the browser is displaying the hash of previous page/state first. My issue is exactly what is described here ...