Installation You can install this library via NPM or YARN. NPM npm i react-qr-reader YARN yarn add react-qr-reader Example Usage After reading and performing the previous steps, you should be able to import the library and use it like in this example: ...
Installation You can install this library via NPM or YARN. NPM npm i react-qr-reader YARN yarn add react-qr-reader Example Usage After reading and performing the previous steps, you should be able to import the library and use it like in this example: ...
npm install react-qr-reader Example import React, { Component } from 'react' import QrReader from 'react-qr-reader' class Test extends Component { constructor(props){ super(props) this.state = { result: 'No result', } } handleScan(data){ this.setState({ result: data, }) } handleErro...
npm i react-qr-reader YARN yarn add react-qr-reader Example Usage After reading and performing the previous steps, you should be able to import the library and use it like in this example: import React, { useState } from 'react'; import { QrReader } from 'react-qr-reader'; const Test...
在最新一次Chrome更新中彻底抛弃ftp协议了,之前可以在搜索栏搜索chrome://flags/ 并将Enable support for...
To isolate the issue/if possible, the solution would be to move the logic contained in this, to more appropriate parts of development. Such as into the build itself, or into apost or pre deployment script. Long start times using npm (or yarn) install, build, etc. in startup scripts...
在Firefox中,将向用户显示提示,询问使用哪个相机,因此facingMode不会影响它。 在IOS 11上,仅Safari才支持该功能,而在Chrome或Firefox上则不支持,因为苹果使该API对第三方浏览器不可用。 安装 npm install --save react-qr-reader 例子 import React , { Component } from 'reac点...
React Native 中的二维码扫描器 这个应用程序是使用 React Native 制作的。 安装 将此Repo 克隆到您的 PC 运行npm install 运行应用程序 内置 React本机 react-native-qrcode-scanner 教程 作者 比利时 Android -所有作品- 致谢 给使用过代码的任何人的提示 灵感 等等...
npm install --save modern-react-qr-reader Example This is a modal window. No compatible source was found for this media. importReact,{Component}from'react'importQrReaderfrom'modern-react-qr-reader'classTestextendsComponent{constructor(props){super(props);this.state={result:'No result'}this.handle...
在最新一次Chrome更新中彻底抛弃ftp协议了,之前可以在搜索栏搜索chrome://flags/ 并将Enable support for...