Controls StopPauseFullscreen Speed 1x1.5x2x Seek Volume Controls Requires player reload Muted Loop Light mode Played Loaded YouTube Test ATest BPlaylist SoundCloud Test ATest BPlaylist Facebook Test ATest B Vimeo Test ATest B Twitch Test ATest BTest C Streamable Test ATest B ...
(255, 255, 255, 0.9)',padding:'20px',borderRadius:'10px',xColor:'black'};return(<ReactPlayerModalurl=""modalStyle={customStyles}buttonClassName="button button--secondary button--outline button--golden button--lg"buttonText="Watch Demo"/>);...
importReactfrom"react";importReactPlayerfrom"react-player/lazy";// Lazy load the YouTube player<ReactPlayerurl=""/>; Demo page: The component parses a URL and loads in the appropriate markup and external SDKs ...
Demo page: The component parses a URL and loads in the appropriate markup and external SDKs to play media from various sources. Props can be passed in to control playback and react to events such as buffering or media ending. See the demo source for a...
Demo page: The component parses a URL and loads in the appropriate markup and external SDKs to play media fromvarious sources.Propscan be passed in to control playback and react to events such as buffering or media ending. Seethe demo sourcefor a ful...
importReactfrom'react'importReactPlayerfrom'react-player/lazy'// Lazy load the YouTube player<ReactPlayer url=''/> Demo page: The component parses a URL and loads in the appropriate markup and external SDKs to...
import React from 'react' import ReactPlayer from 'react-player/lazy' // Lazy load the YouTube player <ReactPlayer url='' /> Demo page: The component parses a URL and loads in the appropriate markup ...
Demo page: The component parses a URL and loads in the appropriate markup and external SDKs to play media fromvarious sources.Propscan be passed in to control playback and react to events such as buffering or media ending. Seethe demo sourcefor a full exam...
Demo page: The component parses a URL and loads in the appropriate markup and external SDKs to play media from various sources. Props can be passed in to control playback and react to events such as buffering or media ending. See the demo source for a...
import React, { Component } from 'react' import ReactPlayer from 'react-player' class Video extends Component { render () { return ( <ReactPlayer className='react-player fixed-bottom' url= 'videos/demo_video.MP4' width='100%' height='100%' controls = {true} /> ) } } export defa...