run npx pod-install in the iOS directory Edit Info.plist and add a property called Fonts provided by application (or UIAppFonts if Xcode autocomplete is not working): List of all available fonts to copy & paste in Info.plist <key>UIAppFonts</key> <array> <string>AntDesign.ttf</...
关于图标name的集合,请异步官方网站react-native-vector-icons directory 有大量的图标,基本上可以涵盖所有常用功能的需求:
在命令行输入pip 如果出现-bash: /usr/local/bin/pip: No such file or directory的提示说明你并没安装pip 安装 安装好Python环境的本地都有 easy_install 执行程序,我们这里主要使用 easy_install 来安装。 在命令行输入sudo easy_install pip 这里一定要使用sudo 方式安装,不然或保存,因为会没权限。如果让你输...
1. Create afontsdirectory in iOS and copy all the font files fromnode_modules/react-native-vector-icons/Fontsinto it. 2. Now open the projectYourProject -> ios -> YourProject.xcworkspacein Xcode. 3. After opening the project in Xcode, click on the project from the left sidebar to open ...
react-native-vector-icons directory react-native-vector-icons directory ); @@ -69,15 +67,15 @@ class SearchBar extends PureComponent { timer = null; state = { keyword: '' keyword: '', }; handleSubmit = (e) => { handleSubmit = e => { e.preventDefault(); this.props.onSubmi...
In your XCode Settings, in the Build Phases tab, under Copy Bundle Resources add the fonts you have copied in the Fonts directory. When using auto linking, it will automatically add all fonts to the Build Phases, Copy Pods Resources. Which will end up in your bundle. To avoid that, ...
react-native link react-native-vector-icons 2. Native configuration 2.1 iOS configuration First, execute the pod install command in the ios directory of RN to install the dependent packages. cd ios && pod install Then, create a new font group named Fonts in the Xcode project, and copy the ...
Browse to the node_modules\react-native-vector-icons\Fonts folder, select the required font files Click the Add drop-down and select Add as Link. Set Copy To Output Directory property of each font file to Copy if newerNote: you need to recompile your project after adding new fonts.Web...
SetCopy To Output Directoryproperty of each font file toCopy if newer Note: you need to recompile your project after adding new fonts. Web (withwebpack) In your webpack configuration file, add a section to handle ttf files using url-loader (or file-loader) ...
resolved "" require-main-filename@^1.0.1: version "1.0.1" resolved "