npm install react-native-ui-datepickerOryarn add react-native-ui-datepickerUsageimport DateTimePicker from 'react-native-ui-datepicker'; import dayjs from 'dayjs'; export default function App() { const [date, setDate] = useState(dayjs()); return ( <View style={styles.container}> <DateTime...
Customizable React Native 📅 DatePicker component for Android, iOS, and Web. It includes single, range and multiple modes and supports different locales. - react-native-ui-datepicker/ at main · Loxone/react-native-ui-datepicker
#import <React/UIView+React.h> @implementation RCTConvert(UIDatePicker) RCT_ENUM_CONVERTER(UIDatePickerMode, (@{ @"time": @(UIDatePickerModeTime), @"date": @(UIDatePickerModeDate), @"datetime": @(UIDatePickerModeDateAndTime), }), UIDatePickerModeTime, integerValue) RCT_E...
Customizable React Native 📅 DatePicker component for Android, iOS, and Web. It includes single, range and multiple modes and supports different locales. - react-native-ui-datepicker/yarn.lock at main · farhoudshapouran/react-native-ui-datepicker
react-native-ui-datepicker DateTimePicker component for React Native that allows you to create a customizable date and time picker. The component uses Day.js library and it contains a set of style props that allows you to change every item of calendar based on your own UI design. Please visi...
Customizable React Native 📅 DatePicker component for Android, iOS, and Web. It includes single, range and multiple modes and supports different locales. - Workflow runs · farhoudshapouran/react-native-ui-datepicker
react-native-ui-kitten/src/components/ui/datepicker/datepicker.component.tsx Lines 212 to 218 in cacd67c protected getComponentTitle(): RenderProp<TextProps> | React.ReactText { if ( { return this.props.dateService.format(, null); } else { return th...