react-native-snap-carousel是一个功能丰富、易于集成的React Native轮播组件。它支持多种布局和动画效果,如Tinder风格和卡片堆叠效果,还提供了视差图像和自定义分页指示器等特性,极大地丰富了用户的交互体验。该组件兼容Android和iOS平台,适用于多种应用场景,如电商应用展示商品图片、新闻应用轮播头条新闻等。
Swiper component for React Native with previews, multiple layouts, parallax images, performant handling of huge numbers of items, and RTL support. Compatible with Android & iOS. - react-native-snap-carousel/ at master · smooJitter/react-nati
import * as React from 'react'; import { Text, View, SafeAreaView, Dimensions, StyleSheet, } from 'react-native'; import Carousel, {ParallaxImage} from 'react-native-snap-carousel'; const { width} = Dimensions.get('window') class Carousel extends React.Component { constructor(props) { su... You can also find a more in-depth (read "complex") one in the/examplefolder.
react-native-snap-carousel 轮播 效果如下: 6iIb4SR.gif 使用插件: 基础使用方法: 下载: $ npm install --save react-native-snap-carousel 引入: import Carouselfrom'react-native-snap-carousel'使用:consthorizontalMargin =20;constslideWidth =280...|-example-with-custom-interpolations You can also find a more in-depth (read "complex") one in the/examplefolder. Props, methods and getters In order to let you to create mighty carousels and to keep up with your requests, we ...
开发中我们经常用到通知栏, react-native-snap-carousel 这个组件很强大 ,下面介绍下如何实现这种通知栏效果: image.png _renderItem({item,index}){return(<Viewstyle={styles.carouView}key={`entry-${index}`}numberOfLines={1}><Textstyle={styles.daikuanText}>{`银行卡${item.bankeNo}尾号,放款${item....|-example-with-custom-interpolations You can also find a more in-depth (read "complex") one in the/examplefolder. Props, methods and getters In order to let you to create mighty carousels and to keep up with your requests, we ...
import styles from './'; 安装依赖,生成补丁,重启项目 yarn add deprecated-react-native-prop-types yarn patch-packagereact-native-snap-carousel// 生成补丁yarn start --reset-cache