react-native-root-toast import axios from 'axios' import { baseURL } from './config' import { Alert } from 'react-native' import Toast from 'react-native-root-toast' const service = axios.create() service.defaults.baseURL = baseURL service.interceptors.request.use( (config) => { return...
react-native-root-toast库(以后文中以root-toast代称)是一个纯JavaScript的解决方案,跨平台。 1.2 提供很多的自定义属性 一个好用的库,必然会提供给用户非常多的定义属性,root-toast自然也例外。除了提供修改背景颜色,阴影等基本属性,还提供了一个toast生命周期的回调函数,提供了点击提示框时消失的功能,提供了修改...
import Toast from 'react-native-root-toast'; // 引入类库 // 通过调用, options); 可以在屏幕上显示一个toast,并返回一个toast实例 let toast ='This is a message', { duration: Toast.durations.LONG, // toast显示时长 position: Toast.positions.BOTTOM, // toast位...
importToastfrom'react-native-root-toast';// Add a Toast on'This is a message',{duration:Toast.durations.LONG,position:Toast.positions.BOTTOM,shadow:true,animation:true,hideOnPress:true,delay:0,onShow:()=>{// calls on toast\`s appear animation start},onShown:...
react-native-root-toast >= 2.1.0 only supports react-native >= 0.47.0 , for lower version choose 2.0.0 or below. In react native >= 0.62, the new LogBox component would impact this component's initialization. To make it work we have to explicitly insert a mount point in your app lik...
react-native-root-toast-ct/npm-debug.log Go to file Copy path Cannot retrieve contributors at this time 32 lines (32 sloc)1.69 KB RawBlame 0 info it worked if it ends with ok 1 verbose cli [ '/Users/angrycans/tools/node/nvm/versions/node/v7.3.0/bin/node', ...
react-native-root-toast package's author Install npm install react-native-root-tips --save Simple Useage convenience method usage now, you can call these methods to show a tips // show a loading tips // you need call Tips.hide() to make tips disappear ...
react-native-root-toast NOTICE: - react-native-root-toast >= 2.1.0 only supports react-native >= 0.47.0 , for react-native < 0.47.0 you can choose 2.0.0 or below. Features Pure javascript solution. Support both Android and iOS. ...
2.0.3•Public• Published4 years ago This package does not have a README.Add a READMEto your package so that users know how to get started. Readme Keywords none npm iprimeton-react-native-root-toast 1 License GPL Unpacked Size
react-native-root-toast是一个挺不错的提示组件,大概用法如下: 持续时间 Toast.durations.SHORT (equals to 2000) ...