//NativeBase 容器内部 <MapView.Animated ref="map" style = {styles.map} showsUserLocation = {true} zoomEnabled = {true} showsMyLocationButton = {true} showsCompass = {true} showScale = {true} showsIndoors = {true} mapType = {this.state.mapTypes[this.state.mapTypeCode]} /> //类的...
Bug Sometimes react-native-maps shows exactly right current location and also tracking of current user on android. But sometimes it shows red screen with word longitude Environment info react-native: 0.59.9 react-native-cli: 2.0.1 node: ...
expo.modules.location.LocationModule.getCurrentPositionAsync(LocationModule.java:262) Dependencies: "react-native": "0.70.8", "react-native-maps": "^1.7.1", "expo": "~47.0.14", "expo-localization": "~14.0.0", "expo-location": "~15.0.1", How I can fix that? Environment expo-env...
switchContainer:{位置:’绝对‘,底部: 25,左侧:10 },containerOptionBtn:{ position:‘绝对’,...
Tracking Region / Location Programmatically Changing Region One can change the mapview's position using refs and component methods, or by passing in an updatedregionprop. The component methods will allow one to animate to a given position like the native API could. ...
How to track your current location and send it to your friends. How to move markers in real-time using Scaledrone. This tutorial expects a basic understanding of React Native. Project structure The project is divided into two independent parts: ...
userLocationCalloutEnabled If true clicking user location will show the default callout for userLocation annotation. Note: Apple Maps only. Boolean false no ios no showsMyLocationButton If false hide the button to move map to the current user's location. Boolean true no ios/android yes showsPoi...
onMapReady={() => {this.map.fitToSuppliedMarkers(['mk1','mk2'],{ edgePadding:...
iOS - Google Maps - Add showsMyLocationButton support #1157 Patches Fix getResources() null crash in mapview #1188 Rename MapKit category to avoid conflicts with the one in RN #1172 Upgrade GMS dependencies to 10.2.0 #1169 fix multiple-instance memory leak #1130 fix onSelected event...
onMapReady={() => {this.map.fitToSuppliedMarkers(['mk1','mk2'],{ edgePadding:...