include ':react-native-file-viewer' project(':react-native-file-viewer').projectDir = new File(rootProject.projectDir, '../node_modules/react-native-file-viewer/android') Insert the following lines inside the dependencies block in android/app/build.gradle: compile project(':react-native-file...
react-native-file-viewer [!TIP] Github 地址 安装与使用 请到三方库的 Releases 发布地址查看配套的版本信息:@react-native-oh-tpl/react-native-file-viewer Releases,并下载适用版本的 tgz 包。 进入到工程目录并输入以下命令: [!TIP] # 处替换为 tgz 包的路径 npm npm install @react-native-oh-tpl...
react-native-file-viewer Native file viewer for react-native. Preview any type of file supported by the mobile device. iOS: it uses QuickLook Framework Android: it uses ACTION_VIEW Intent to start the default app associated with the specified file. Windows: Start the default app associated wit...
我正在使用RNFetchblob下载file.PDF和图像文件。我正在尝试使用react原生文件查看器打开.docx文件或.xls文件。我收到错误,如找不到打开此mime类型的应用程序 18070票数2 EN react-native 回答1 Stack Overflow用户 发布于 2020-12-23 14:55:23 您需要在您的模拟器或移动设备中安装pdf查看器。然后你就可以打开文档...
Inkmu 关联了react-native-oh-library/usage-docs Pull Request !811 7个月前 Inkmu 通过合并 Pull Request !811: docs: [Issues: #IA74PU] 新增react-native-file-viewer指导文档 将任务状态从待办的 修改为已完成 6个月前 展开全部操作日志 登录 后才可以发表评论 状态...
pod 'RNFileViewer', :path => '../node_modules/react-native-file-viewer' iOSIn XCode, in the project navigator, right click Libraries ➜ Add Files to [your project's name] Go to node_modules ➜ react-native-file-viewer and add RNFileViewer.xcodeproj In XCode, in the project ...
Native file viewer for React Native. Preview any type of file supported by the mobile device. - react-native-file-viewer/RNFileViewer.podspec at master · hybridheroes/react-native-file-viewer
Support "react-native-file-viewer" Basic Info Module Repo URL: Target version: ^2.0.2 Module has a Legacy/C# implementation (if so, link) Functionality Native file viewer for re...
Native file viewer for React Native. Preview any type of file supported by the mobile device. - Pull requests · leroy-merlin-br/react-native-file-viewer
i am new to react-native i unable to preview the files after getting Uri path please help me{ filetype: [DocumentPickerUtil.allFiles()], },(error,res) => { console.log( res.uri, res.type, // mime type res.fileName, r...