npm i --save react-native-crypto# install peer depsnpm i --save react-native-randombytes react-native link react-native-randombytes# install latest rn-nodeifynpm i --save-dev tradle/rn-nodeify# install node core shims and recursively hack package.json files# in ./node_modules to add/update...
1. yarn add react-native-crypto 2. yarn add eact-native-randombytes 3. yarn add tradle/rn-nodeify --dev 4. ./node_modules/.bin/rn-nodeify --hack --install 这个时候会有一个shim.js 文件在根目录下面,在index.js 文件首行加上import './shim.js' 如果需要使用crypto 默认在shim.js中,crypto...
Because this module depends on some node core modules, and react-native doesn't currently have aresolve.alias a la webpack, you will need to usern-nodeifyfor your shimming needs. A suggested workflow: Install npm i --save react-native-crypto ...
import { Platform } from 'react-native'; import Aes from 'react-native-aes-crypto' const generateKey = (password, salt) => Aes.pbkdf2(password, salt); const encrypt = (text, keyBase64) => { var ivBase64 = "base64 random 16 bytes string"; return Aes.encrypt(text, keyBase64, iv...
react-native-crypto Note: this module is a clone ofcrypto-browserify, with randombytes replaced. A port of node'scryptomodule to React Native. DEPRECATED you should probably use a combination of: react-native-get-random-values to shim getRandomValues ...
npm install @fintoda/react-native-crypto-lib # or yarn add @fintoda/react-native-crypto-lib Usage import { Buffer } from 'buffer'; import { digest } from '@fintoda/react-native-crypto-lib'; // ... const data = new Uint8Array( Buffer.from( 'ab7615a6cb35f59c2c0a2e9d51d2bf2f203...
docs: 批量修改react-native-crypto-js、react-native-base64、react-native-check-box指导文档 已完成 #IAXTV9 董旺 创建于 2024-10-17 15:50 暂无描述。 董旺 创建了任务 2个月前 董旺 关联了react-native-oh-library/usage-docs Pull Request !1716 2个月前 董旺 通过react-native-oh-library/usage...
CryptoJS.AES.decrypt解密值是base64编码!!!切记切记!坑死宝宝了 importCryptoJSfrom'crypto-js';letkey=CryptoJS.enc.Utf8.parse('1234567890987654');letiv=CryptoJS.enc.Utf8.parse("0987654321234567")//解密方法exportconstdecrypt=(word)=>{'sss :'+word)letencryptedHexStr=CryptoJS.enc.Hex...
正式开始 环境准备:Node、Watchman、Xcode 和 CocoaPods & XCode ,稳定的代理工具(如果没有稳定的代理工具,基本上可以考虑放弃了) 生成项目 npx react-native init App cd App yarn cd cd ios pod install (注意不要+sudo,此处必须全局开启代理,否则下载会失败) cd .. yarn ios 如果yarn ios后无法...