React Native Chat App Demo RAO INFORMATIONTECHNOLOGY PRIVATE LIMITED Designed for iPhone Free iPhone Screenshots Description This version includes: 1. Push Notifications updated 2. Bug fixes on Dashboard 3. UI improvements 4. Minor bug fixes
Step 2:Install Demo Source Code git clone cdchat-demo-react-native/Demo use yarn yarn install use npm npm i --legacy-peer-deps Step 3:Secure SDKAppID and secretKey Set the relevant parametersSDKAppIDandSECRETKEYin the example code of...
本项目为 React Native Chat Demo, 它是由`react-native-tim-js`及社区相关的开源包开发的 Demo 项目, 可帮助您快速开发一个即时通信聊天场景应用。 [简体中文](./|[English](./ ##快速跑通Demo ##IM(Chat) React NativeDemo ...
react-native-chat-demo:网易云信IM示例 0.60+ ios的imui临时解决方案,重组项目完成 React本机聊天演示 网易云信IM示界面仿微信 如何使用 1.注册网易云信帐号 注册地址 注意:在后台填入的密码需要进行md5加密,或者把/src/screens/Login.js里面对密码的md5加密去掉(否则无法登录) 2.安装库 执行yarn install IOS需要...
1. Push Notifications updated 2. Bug fixes on Dashboard 3. UI improvements 4. Minor bug fixes What’s New 13 Dec 2022 Version 1.1.3 This version includes: 1. Push Notifications updated 2. Bug fixes on Dashboard 3. UI improvements ...
1. Push Notifications updated 2. Bug fixes on Dashboard 3. UI improvements 4. Minor bug fixes What’s New Dec 13, 2022 Version 1.1.3 This version includes: 1. Push Notifications updated 2. Bug fixes on Dashboard 3. UI improvements ...
ReactNative-WeChatLogin 基于react-native-wechat 实现的微信登录.只需 CV 大法就可以.(自发现教程,没有发现现成 demo 所以我就简单搞了一下按照网上的教程写的 demo) 欢迎大家加群讨论 点击链接加入群ReactNative-解决问题交流群 :644124441 点击链接加入群ReactNative技术交流群2 :687663534 需要真机 run 具体怎么...
1. Push Notifications updated 2. Bug fixes on Dashboard 3. UI improvements 4. Minor bug fixes What’s New 13 Dec 2022 Version 1.1.3 This version includes: 1. Push Notifications updated 2. Bug fixes on Dashboard 3. UI improvements ...
React Native Chat App Demo 9+ RAO INFORMATIONTECHNOLOGY PRIVATE LIMITED Designed for iPhone Free iPhone ScreenshotsDescription This version includes: 1. Push Notifications updated 2. Bug fixes on Dashboard 3. UI improvements 4. Minor bug fixes...
React Native Chat App Demo 9+ RAO INFORMATIONTECHNOLOGY PRIVATE LIMITED 专为iPhone 设计 免费 iPhone 截屏简介 This version includes: 1. Push Notifications updated 2. Bug fixes on Dashboard 3. UI improvements 4. Minor bug fixes新内容 版本记录 版本1.1.3 This version includes: 1. Push ...