if(Android){this.setState({apkUrl:'http://XXXXX'})Alert.alert('发现新版本','是否下载',[{text:"确定",onPress:()=>{//apkUrl为app下载连接地址NativeModules.upgrade.upgrade(this.state.apkUrl);}},// {text:"取消", onPress:this.opntion2Selected}{text:"取消"}]);} DeviceEventEmitter.addL...
(1)版本检测 (2)自动跳转App Store 二、使用 yarn add react-native-app-upgrade-wd // or npm install react-native-app-upgrade-wd iOS 打开Xcode, 将 ios_upgrade 导入到项目目录。 import{downloadApk,versionName,versionCode,openAPPStore,checkIOSUpdate,addDownLoadListener,}from'rn-app-upgrade';//可通...
(1)版本检测 (2)自动跳转App Store 二、使用 yarn add rn-app-upgrade // or npm install rn-app-upgrade // less than 0.6 react-native link rn-app-upgrade iOS 打开Xcode, 将 ios_upgrade 导入到项目目录。 import{downloadApk,versionName,versionCode,openAPPStore,checkIOSUpdate,addDownLoadListener,}fr...
App Upgrade: React-Native SDK React-Native/Expo SDK forApp Upgrade App Upgrade is a service let your users know when to upgrade your apps or force them to upgrade the app. Many times we need to force upgrade mobile apps on users' mobile. Having faced this issue multiple times decided to...
npm i app-upgrade-react-native-rate-sdk --save How to use it. Register on App Upgrade and follow the instructions to create project and get the x-api-key. Import the SDK and use it. import {rate} from 'app-upgrade-react-native-rate-sdk'; ... const App: () => Node = () =>...
Merged Upgrade React Native Test App to use React Native 0.74.1 #6695 kraenhansen merged 6 commits into main from kh/rnta-rn-0.74.1 Jun 4, 2024 +2,665 −2,152 Conversation 0 Commits 6 Checks 29 Files changed 8 Conversation Member kraenhansen commented May 31, 2024 What, How &...
可以用react-native-device-info获取版本号 我的已经踩坑好了,是因为其npm上的包里面的代码不全,没有把获取版本号的代码加进去,自己手动加进去就行,没有跑起来你注意去看下的Android sdk有没有下载这个插件对应的sdk版本以及build-tools的版本,因为这个差价比较老,如果你的sdk只下载了最新版的话,会导致编译不...
Snyk has created this PR to upgrade react-native from 0.68.2 to 0.75.3. ℹ️ Keep your dependencies up-to-date. This makes it easier to fix existing vulnerabilities and to more quickly identify and fix newly disclosed vulnerabilities when they affect your project. The recommended version is...
Snyk has created this PR to upgrade react-native from 0.68.2 to 0.75.3. ℹ️ Keep your dependencies up-to-date. This makes it easier to fix existing vulnerabilities and to more quickly identify and fix newly disclosed vulnerabilities when they affect your project. The recommended version is...
Snyk has created this PR to upgrade react-native from 0.68.2 to 0.75.2. ℹ️ Keep your dependencies up-to-date. This makes it easier to fix existing vulnerabilities and to more quickly identify and fix newly disclosed vulnerabilities when they affect your project. The recommended version is...