总之,如果你在使用React Native时遇到了“unknown command 'link'”的错误,首先应该确认你的React Native版本,并根据版本选择适当的解决方案。在React Native 0.60及更高版本中,自动链接应该能够处理大多数情况,而不需要手动运行react-native link。
I get the error “error: unknown command ‘link-assets’ when I try to execute the command npx react-native link-assets I followed this guide completely, but the command doesn't work for some reason. I have the following packages installed "@react-native-community/cli": "15.1.3", "@rea...
1.npm i -S react-native-video 2.react-native link 3.然后重启模拟器试(也可以把应用从模拟器删除clean 之后重新 run)试我是这样好的 可参考issues 33 如果uninstall 第三方库之后然后 install xcode 报错linker command failed with exit code 1 (use -v to see invocation) 解决方法: image.png 1.别慌...
1:用Xcode打开项目,找到Libraries目录,右键选择AddFilesto[yourproject'sname] 2:在{project}/node_modules/react-native-splash-screen/ios找到SplashScreen.xcodeproj文件,并添加 3:在XCode中,选择你的项目,选择bilidPhases并将SplashScreen.xcodeproj/Products/libSplashScreen.a文件添加到LinkBinaryWithLibraries中,拖...
needs to be added to the Link Binary with Libraries phase call libSwiftDataDetection.tbd. Error went away after adding this. Unfortunately, adding this library breaks compilation with Xcode 11, so you'll have to add & remove it depending on which version of Xcode you're using. ...
//链接第三方库react-native link react-native-login-manager 4、使用xcode打开项目。如下所示: 5、测试结果。如下所示: /** * Sample React Native App *https://github.com/facebook/react-native* @flow*/import React, { Component } from'react'; ...
error: unknown option --legacy react-native: 0.61.4 is there any alternative solution? Quang-Dong, try-hard-coder, and jungsunwoung reacted with thumbs up emoji 👍 Sorry, something went wrong. Copy link moGeekHexcommentedDec 17, 2019• ...
If you are using React Native version lower than 0.60 run following command:$ react-native link react-native-appodealiOSGo to ios/ folder and open Podfile Add Appodeal adapters. Add pods into ./ios/Podfile:target 'App' do config = use_native_modules! use_react_native!( :path => config...
react-native-vector-icons、react-native-image-picker需要与IOS原生连接,此时如果执行react-native link自动连接,担心会影响到已有的Android端的配置,因为Android是进行手动连接的,执行自动连接没有生效,而且也会将不需要连接的依赖一起连接了。所以想按照说明文档进行手动连接,但试过后并没有好使,即使是新初始化的项目...
CLI version N/A Environment N/A Community Modules No response Target Platform Version None Target Device(s) No response Visual Studio Version None Build Configuration None Snack, code example, screenshot, or link to a repository No response...