Monacoeditor wrapper for easy/one-line integration with anyReactapplication without needing to usewebpack(or any other module bundler) configuration files / plugins. It can be used with apps generated bycreate-react-app,create-snowpack-app,vite,Next.jsor any other app generators -you don't need...
文件名中没有散列的vite 、 我正在尝试编译一个基于摩纳哥编辑器的webcomponent (在lit元素上下文中)。在尝试了很多选项之后,我现在得到了两个文件的结果。rmx-monaco.abc123.jsstyle.css // prevent some warnings },我的j 浏览2提问于2021-10-18得票数 7 2回答 在浏览器中嵌入VSCode样式IDE 、 我试图找到...
If you use Vite, you need to do this:import { loader } from '@monaco-editor/react'; import * as monaco from 'monaco-editor'; import editorWorker from 'monaco-editor/esm/vs/editor/editor.worker?worker'; import jsonWorker from 'monaco-editor/esm/vs/language/json/json.worker?worker'; ...
Package version: 0.53.0 Bundler: Vite You can reproduce the issue in my sandbox: It seems that your package does not work with Vite properly. I tried the same code on Webpack, and the context menu...
If you have node.js LTS available, then from the root of the project run: npm i npm run build Afterwards launch the Vite.js development mode: npm run dev You find examples (manual human testing) in the root of the repositoryindex.html. They can be used once Vite is running. ...
I ended up completely removing vite-plugin-monaco-editor and implemented worker loading manually: // src/monaco.tsx import * as monaco from "monaco-editor" import MonacoEditor, { DiffEditor, loader } from "@monaco-editor/react"; import monacoJsonWorker from "monaco-editor/esm/vs/language/json...
Maybe it's conflicting with the monaco editor of codesandbox? Could you please try it in stackblitz? Contributor Author StefanDBTLabs commented Apr 24, 2024 thanks for the idea to try. I still see 0.43 loaded there:
"vite": "~4.4.11" }, "dependencies": { "@codingame/monaco-vscode-keybindings-service-override": "~1.83.2", "@typefox/monaco-editor-react": "2.3.0", "monaco-editor": "~0.44.0", "monaco-editor-workers": "~0.44.0", "monaco-editor-wrapper": "~3.3.0", "monaco-languageclient"...
Afterwards, launch the Vite development server: npm run dev If you want to change dependent code in the examples (monaco-editor-wrapperand@typefox/monaco-editor-react), you have to watch code changes in parallel: npm run watch You can find examples (manual human testing) hereindex.html. The...
@tr3ysmith (Trey Smith): Fix possible duplicate of editors in vite sample PR #3390[0.34.1]Adds API to register global actions, commands, or keybinding rules [0.34.0]Introduction of IEditor.createDecorationsCollection API New function removeAllMarkers to remove all markers Support for light high...