The props that are passed are what you probably would expect: an a (link) will get href (and title) props, and img (image) an src, alt and title, etc.Every component will receive a node. This is the original Element from hast element being turned into a React element....
type === 'image') { const image = node.children[0] return <div className={classes.image}> <Image src={image.url} alt={image.alt} width={600} height={300}/> </div> } return <p>{paragraph.children}</p> } } return <article className={classes.content}> <DetailsHeader dummyPosts=...
在开发中,若想在react-markdown-editor-lite组件库中嵌入图像,通常会将图像进行base64编码,这会导致大量文本内容。为解决此问题,可以通过监听handleImageUpload函数,将图像通过http上传到阿里云的OSS存储,然后获取返回结果填充至文本编辑器内。具体步骤如下:1. 引入 react-markdown-editor-lite 组件库...
transformImageUri - function|null Function that gets called for each encountered image with a single argument - uri. The returned value is used in place of the original. renderers - object An object where the keys represent the node type and the value is a React component. The object is ...
transformImageUri - function|null Function that gets called for each encountered image with a single argument - uri. The returned value is used in place of the original. renderers - object An object where the keys represent the node type and the value is a React component. The object is ...
react-markdown-editor-lite组件库在上传图像时,采用的是图像进行base64编码展示,占据大篇幅的文本内容。因此,通过监听handleImageUpload函数,将图像通过http上传到阿里云的OSS存储,获取返回结果填充展示在文本编辑器内。 效果如图所示 最终效果展示 1、首先引入react-markdown-editor-lite组件库 ...
onImageUpload={handleImageUpload} 上传图片是触发函数handleImageUpload imageUrl:''如果上传图片失败返回一个默认图片地址。 代码语言:javascript 复制 <MdEditor value={text}style={{height:'500px'}
config.imageUrl default image url String '' config.linkUrl default link url String '' config.logger logger in order to undo or redo Object {interval: 3000} onChange emitting when editor has changed Function ({html, md}) => {} Example 'use strict'; import React from 'react' import...
-- <ex-btn v-if="current == 'ex-btn'" v-on:myClick="myClick" :msg="msg...