你必须手动将handleChange、handleBlur等函数映射到输入元素上,这项工作相当耗时。不过,你可以使用formik的Field或ErrorMessage组件来节省时间。 Formik没有内置验证,你需要自己编写函数来验证表单值,或者使用像yup这样的库来支持验证。 Formik不支持完整的hook,尽管你可以使用useFormik hook,但使用这个hook时,Field、Err...
onSubmit string Validation is triggered on the submit event, and inputs attach onChange event listeners to re-validate themselves. onBlur string Validation is triggered on the blur event. onChange string Validation is triggered on the changeevent for each input, leading to multiple re-renders. Warn...
并将该函数和挂钩值分别放在 onTextChange 和value 上,我在react-hook-form上尝试了上面的相同方法,但它不起作用!我仍然可以输入其他字符,如“+”或“-”,当然是使用数字键盘所以这是 TextField 组件export interface HTextFieldProps extends TextFieldProps { control: Control<any> name: string defaultValue?:...
官网地址:https://react-hook-form.com/ react-hook-form是专门为校验表单、提交表单设计的,使用起来比传统的onChange、setState要方便很多。 而且它进一步做了优化,减少了不必要的render image.png 安装 npm install react-hook-form 使用 import React from"react";import{useForm,SubmitHandler}from"react-hook-f...
Minimizes the number of re-renders, minimizes validate computation, and faster mounting. Adoptable Since form state is inherently local, it can be easily adopted without other dependencies. UX Striving to provide the best user experience and bringing consistent validation strategies. ...
-<input ref={register({valueAsNumber:true,validate:(value)=>parseInt(value)===2)})}name="test"/>+<input{...register('test',{valueAsNumber:true,validate:(value)=>value===2)}}/>// no longer need to parse again Missingref
required, min, max, minLength, maxLength, pattern, validate CodeSandbox TS rules={{ required: true }} shouldUnregister boolean = false Input will be unregistered after unmount and defaultValues will be removed as well. Note: this prop should be avoided when using with useFieldArray as unregist...
onSubmit (Default) string Validation will trigger on the submit event and invalid inputs will attach onChange event listeners to re-validate them. onBlur string Validation will trigger on the blur event. onChange string Validation will trigger on the change event with each input, and lead to mul...
setValue will focus on input at a time setValue('test', 'value', { shouldValidate: false, shouldDirty: false })Removedremove validationSchema and embrace validation resolver remove nest option for watch & getValues, so data return from both methods will be in FormValues shape....