React Hook Form - Rules.Validate 未触发 我有以下带有 RHF 控制器和 MUI 文本字段的字段: <Controllercontrol={control}name="name"defaultValue=""rules={{required:true,minLength:3,maxLength:300,validate:wtf,}}render={({ field, fieldState: { error } }) => (<TextField{...field}fullWidthlabel...
form.vue <template><form><inputtype="text"name="name"v-validate="'required'"placeholder="Name"v-model="name"><pv-if="errors.has('name')">{{errors.first('name')}}</p><inputtype="text"name="email"v-validate="'required|email'"data-vv-validate-on="blur|change"placeholder="Email"v...
This line is being executed calling getValidateMessage: getValidateMessage has a check that allows an array to be passed as a result of validate function:
案例 从代码执行看 表单校验触发了Field reRender,即使开启validateOnly配置 nagq mentioned this issue Oct 10, 2024 表单执行 validateFields({ validateOnly: true })时,会触发表单中所有Field的reRender方法ant-design...
针对您提出的问题 warning: [antd: form.item] nameis only used for validate react element. if you are using form.item as layout display, please removename instead.,以下是我的详细解答: 理解name属性在Form.Item组件中的作用: 在Ant Design的Form.Item组件中,name属性用于唯一标识该表单项,主要用于表...
又一次尝鲜了,第一个重度vue3.0项目完工。整体使用下来,感觉目前有一个感受不太好:父组件的props传下来没办法解构,子组件中使用这部分属性显得略笨拙;此外缺乏插件去做提示,watch 循环引用以及性能问题都是靠自己发现(这部分 react hooks 有)。composition-api 的分拆和合并的思路很重要,工程初期绕了很多弯路:...
See validation error: react-hook-form tries to validate rowgithub icon on mobile website is not clickable#3, while there are now only 2 rows. Expected behaviour When removing a row in a field array, the validation shouldn't consider removed rows. This works fine if the validation uses buil...
<select name="age" ref={register({ validate: v => { console.log("validating", v); return v !== "50"; } })} > Author mojarrahp commented Mar 27, 2020 Hey @bluebill1049 thanks for your reply. So are you saying RHF doesn't support react controlled components? The usage is I...
When removing a row, react-hook-form should not validate the inputs of that row anymore. Yet it does: if you look at the console, you will see that it tries to validate 'cart.2.variants' field, which is undefined as soon as we've removed a row. The error message should not appear...