1.react-flow react-flow是一个用于构建基于节点的应用程序的库。这些可以是简单的静态图或复杂的基于节点的编辑器。同时react-flow支持自定义节点类型和边线类型,并且它附带一些组件,可以查看缩略图的Mini Map和悬浮控制器Controls. 2、react-flow 的安装 1 2 npm install react-flow-renderer# npm yarn add ...
npm install reactflow Quick Start This is only a very basic usage example of React Flow. To see everything that is possible with the library, please refer to thewebsiteforguides,examplesand the fullAPI reference. import{useCallback}from'react';importReactFlow,{MiniMap,Controls,Background,useNo...
React component which enables creating flow editors with ease. Latest version: 0.6.1, last published: 3 years ago. Start using react-flow-editor in your project by running `npm i react-flow-editor`. There are no other projects in the npm registry using r
Flow就从安装开始。 npm install --save-dev flow-bin 创建配置文件。 touch .flowconfig 先不管空白的.flowconfig配置文件。在package.json文件里flow脚本。 your project/package.json "scripts": {"flow":"flow; test $? -eq 0 -o $? -eq 2", }, 然后给需要flow检查的文件里加上//@flow或者/*@fl...
node-based UI graph diagram workflow reactflow svelteflow xyflow webk1d •0.0.50•15 days ago•7dependents•MITpublished version0.0.50,15 days ago7dependentslicensed under $MIT 1,557,234 @sroussey/xyflow-system xyflow core system that powers React Flow and Svelte Flow. ...
turbo.json Breadcrumbs react-flow / .npmrc Latest commit Cannot retrieve latest commit at this time. HistoryHistory File metadata and controls Code Blame 3 lines (3 loc) · 91 Bytes Raw registry="https://registry.npmjs.com/" legacy-peer-deps=true strict-peer-dependencies=false 1 2 3Whil...
npm install--save-dev babel-preset-flow 然后,我们需要在Babel的配置文件中添加一个Flow相关的preset: 代码语言:javascript 代码运行次数:0 复制 Cloud Studio代码运行 {"presets":["flow",//other config]} 其他方式 如果你既没有使用Create React App也没使用Babel作为语法糖编译器,那么可以使用flow-remove-typ...
基于react+typescript开发,react生态下的work-flow组件,提供单根节点的SingleFlow组件和不限制根节点的MultipleFlow组件。 安装方法 npm安装 npm i react-flow-compoent yarn安装 yarn add react-flow-component 引入 import { MultipleFlow,SingleFlow } from 'react-flow-component' ...
ReactFlow是一个基于React的开源库,用于构建交互式的流程图和图形编辑器。它提供了丰富的功能和组件,使开发者能够轻松创建自定义的流程图应用。 要设置ReactFlow,您可以按照以下步骤进行操作: 确保您已经安装了Node.js和npm(Node包管理器)。 在您的项目目录中打开终端或命令提示符。 运行以下命令来创建一个新的...
npm run flow 用Flow检查 现在就把flow用起来。Flow绝不是上面几个命令而已,而是一套类型体系。下面通过一个例子来了解一下flow和flow的类型体系。 exportdefaultfunction(state = initialState, action){switch(action.type) {caseactionTypes.TRACKS_SET:returnsetTracks(state, action);caseactionTypes.TRACK_PLAY:...