errorComponent react元素[可选]:发生错误时呈现的组件,而不是react-file-viewer随附的默认错误组件。 unsupportedComponent react元素[可选]:在不支持文件格式的情况下呈现的组件。 3. react-file-viewer报错(采坑只限浏览本地文件) 这个是因为后端还没做好,我拿本地文件做测试才会遇到.我把本地docx文件放到了asse...
我想使用 react-file-viewer 单击文件名超链接并在新页面中打开文件(图像、文档或 excel 表)。渲染工作正常,除了图像/文档大小。 我有以下示例: import React from "react";import FileViewer from "react-file-viewer";import { Fragment } from "react";import imGurPic from "./MainBody/imGurPic.ts";const... - A very simple live demo with example code and sample CSSWhy?I wanted that behavior that facebook, gmail, etc. have where a part of the page highlights immediately when you start dragging a file anywhere on the window. I couldn't find any ...
npm install react-file-navigator Or if you use Yarn: yarn add react-file-navigator Usage Import Components Import the necessary components and hooks into your React component: importReact,{useState}from'react';import{IoLogoReact,IoDocumentText}from'react-icons/io5';import{DownOutlined,RightOutlined...
npm install react-file-type-icons --save How to use it importFTIconfrom"react-file-type-icons";consticon=()=>{return<FTIconfileName="foo.png"/>;}; Features Renders file-type-icon either by passing full file name (fileName) or by passing file extension (fileType) ...
react整合react-file-reader实现文件转base64上传 实现步骤: 1.安装插件 yarn add react-file-reader 1. 2.代码引入 import ReactFileReader from "react-file-reader"; 1. 3.写页面方法 <ReactFileReader fileTypes={[".png",".jpg",".gif", "jpeg"]}...
在 React 应用中,当用户将鼠标悬停在某个元素上时,我们经常需要显示一些相关的文本,以提供额外的信息...
1.React文件上传组件github地址: 2.Util里边新建file-uploader文件夹,里边新建index.jsx import React from 'react'; import FileUpload from './react-fileupload.jsx'; classFileUploader extends React.Component{ ...
Includes file-type Icons. Contribute to react-file-type-icons/react-file-type-icons development by creating an account on GitHub.
velocity渲染JS文件,file-node.js分析 $(function() { var filePath = document.getElementById("...