1、下载安装 npm install react-codemirror2 codemirror --save 2、引入 //引入Codemirror组件 import Cm from './extendCodeMirror.js'; import { UnControlled as CodeMirror } from'react-codemirror2'; //样式 import 'codemirror/lib/codemirror.css'; import 'codemirror/lib/codemirror.js'; import 'codemirro...
一. 先安装依赖: 1.安装 react-codemirror2(代码编辑器): npm install react-codemirror2 codemirror --save 2.将 yaml 文件字符串形式转为对象形式:npm install --save yamljs 二. 上代码 这段代码已经将其封装成组件了,直接引入就可以使用,引用的时候可以设置其宽度。 如何使用:将文件直接拖入窗口就行了。
npm install react-codemirror2 codemirror --save 1. 使用: 1 import 'codemirror/lib/codemirror.js'; 2 import 'codemirror/lib/codemirror.css'; 3 // 主题风格 4 import 'codemirror/theme/solarized.css'; 5 // 设置代码语言模式(比如JS,SQL,python,java等) 6 import 'codemirror/mode/javascript/javascr...
npm install react-codemirror2 codemirror --save react-codemirror2ships with the notion of anuncontrolledandcontrolledcomponent.UnControlledconsists of a simple wrapper largely powered by the inner workings ofcodemirroritself, whileControlledwill demand state management from the user, preventing codemirror chan...
npm install react-codemirror2 codemirror --save react-codemirror2ships with the notion of anuncontrolledandcontrolledcomponent.UnControlledconsists of a simple wrapper largely powered by the inner workings ofcodemirroritself, whileControlledwill demand state management from the user, preventing codemirror chan...
最近我在项目中需要实现一个sql编辑器的需求,并且是以React为开发基础的。 需要实现的功能 可以显示和输入sql语句,并进行关键字高亮展示 实现方法 1、安装依赖 npm install react-codemirror2 codemirror --save 2、创建index.js import{UnControlledasCodeMirror}from'react-codemirror2'import'codemirror/lib/codemirror...
npm install react-codemirror2 codemirror Step 3:引入React CodeMirror2组件 在我们的React组件中,我们需要引入React CodeMirror2组件。可以使用以下代码将其导入到组件中: javascript import { Controlled as CodeMirror }from 'react-codemirror2'; Step 4:创建一个CodeMirror组件 接下来,我们将创建一个名为`SqlEditor...
npm install react-codemirror2 codemirror --savereact-codemirror2 ships with the notion of an uncontrolled and controlled component. UnControlled consists of a simple wrapper largely powered by the inner workings of codemirror itself, while Controlled will demand state management from the user, ...
56`codemirror`comes as a [peer dependency](https://nodejs.org/en/blog/npm/peer-dependencies/), meaning you'll need to require it in your project_in addition to_`react-codemirror2`. This prevents any versioning conflicts that would arise if`codemirror`came as a dependency through this wrappe...
code ELIFECYCLE npm ERR! errno 1 👍 7 artkravchenko added a commit to Lokiedu/libertysoil-site that referenced this issue Oct 16, 2017 Use react-codemirror2 editor … 4ae2f8c Owner scniro commented Oct 16, 2017 @dorianpula Thank you for opening this up, as well as including a...