npm install react-codemirror2 codemirror --save react-codemirror2ships with the notion of anuncontrolledandcontrolledcomponent.UnControlledconsists of a simple wrapper largely powered by the inner workings ofcodemirroritself, whileControlledwill demand state management from the user, preventing codemirror chan...
1、下载安装 npm install react-codemirror2 codemirror --save 2、引入 //引入Codemirror组件 import Cm from './extendCodeMirror.js'; import { UnControlled as CodeMirror } from'react-codemirror2'; //样式 import 'codemirror/lib/codemirror.css'; import 'codemirror/lib/codemirror.js'; import 'codemirro...
一. 先安装依赖: 1.安装 react-codemirror2(代码编辑器): npm install react-codemirror2 codemirror --save 2.将 yaml 文件字符串形式转为对象形式:npm install --save yamljs 二. 上代码 这段代码已经将其封装成组件了,直接引入就可以使用,引用的时候可以设置其宽度。 如何使用:将文件直接拖入窗口就行了。
npm install react-codemirror2 codemirror --save react-codemirror2ships with the notion of anuncontrolledandcontrolledcomponent.UnControlledconsists of a simple wrapper largely powered by the inner workings ofcodemirroritself, whileControlledwill demand state management from the user, preventing codemirror chan...
最近我在项目中需要实现一个 sql编辑器 的需求,并且是以React为开发基础的。 需要实现的功能 可以显示和输入sql语句,并进行关键字高亮展示 实现方法 1、安装依赖 npm install react-codemirror2 codemirror --save 2、创建index.js import { UnControlled as CodeMirror } from 'react-codemirror2' import 'codemir...
npm install react-codemirror2 codemirror --save 1. 使用: 1 import 'codemirror/lib/codemirror.js'; 2 import 'codemirror/lib/codemirror.css'; 3 // 主题风格 4 import 'codemirror/theme/solarized.css'; 5 // 设置代码语言模式(比如JS,SQL,python,java等) ...
npm run testto ensure tests continue to pass npm run buildto generate the demo bundle note that it's necessary to bump thepackage.jsonversion prior to finalnpm run buildso we can grab the proposed new version as seen in the demo header. Also note, the core changes are to be made insrc...
npm install react-codemirror2 codemirror Step 3:引入React CodeMirror2组件 在我们的React组件中,我们需要引入React CodeMirror2组件。可以使用以下代码将其导入到组件中: javascript import { Controlled as CodeMirror }from 'react-codemirror2'; Step 4:创建一个CodeMirror组件 接下来,我们将创建一个名为`SqlEditor...
56`codemirror`comes as a [peer dependency](, meaning you'll need to require it in your project_in addition to_`react-codemirror2`. This prevents any versioning conflicts that would arise if`codemirror`came as a dependency through this wrappe...
code ELIFECYCLE npm ERR! errno 1 👍 7 artkravchenko added a commit to Lokiedu/libertysoil-site that referenced this issue Oct 16, 2017 Use react-codemirror2 editor … 4ae2f8c Owner scniro commented Oct 16, 2017 @dorianpula Thank you for opening this up, as well as including a...