ChatList Componentimport { ChatList } from 'react-chat-elements' <ChatList className='chat-list' dataSource={[ { avatar: '', alt: 'Reactjs', title: 'Facebook', subtitle: 'What are you doing?', date: new Date(), unread: 0, }, . ...
import { ChatItem } from 'react-chat-elements' ;<ChatItem avatar={''} alt={'Reactjs'} title={'Facebook'} subtitle={'What are you doing?'} date={new Date()} unread={0} /> ChatItem props propdefaulttypedescription avatar none string Ch...
Step 1: Install react-chat-elements npm install react-chat-elements --save If you have already installed react-native-vector-icons as a dependency for your project you can skip this step. Otherwise run the following command: Step 2: Install react-native-vector-icons ...
Merge branch 'master' of Emre GüdürcommittedMay 26, 2023 e882463 version upgrade Emre GüdürcommittedMay 26, 2023 4088a6e Commits on May 17, 2023 Merge pull request #197 from ilyasubkhankulov/master emregudurcommittedMay 17, 2023 d...
hello! This PR adds an npm "prepare" script that allows the installation of library via git url. I wrote this so that I could install it via a github url since the NPM package is out of date. The p...
npm install react-chat-elements --save Imports // RCE CSS import 'react-chat-elements/dist/main.css' // MessageBox component import { MessageBox } from 'react-chat-elements' Components ChatItem MessageBox SystemMessage MessageList ChatList Input Button Popup SideBar Navbar Dropdown Avatar Locatio...
Step 1: Install react-chat-elements If you have already installed react-native-vector-icons as a dependency for your project you can skip this step. Otherwise run the following command: Step 2: Install react-native-vector-icons Link:
import { MessageBox } from 'react-chat-elements' ;<MessageBox reply={{ photoURL: '', title: 'elit magna', titleColor: '#8717ae', message: 'Aliqua amet incididunt id nostrud', }} onReplyMessageClick={() => console.log('reply clicked!