针对你遇到的“sh: react-app-rewired: command not found”问题,可以按照以下步骤进行排查和解决: 确认react-app-rewired是否已经正确安装: 首先,需要确认react-app-rewired是否已经被安装到你的项目中。你可以在你的项目根目录下运行以下命令来检查node_modules中是否包含react-app-rewired: bash ls node_modules/...
Not entirely sure that emv-cmd is entirely to blame as npm is doing something weird where it is deciding to remove all test related items eg @testing-library/react from node_modules. I can see it install them and then remove them. Something odd is going on. Was all working fine until ...
从仓库下了前端的项目,运行时报了这个错: line 1: react-app-rewired: command not found 1.网上查了资料,需要安装create-react-app 解决: 执行命令:sudo npm i -g create-react-app 输入电脑密码后,安装 注意:如果 不加 sudo,可能会报无权限 2.执行 npm install 还报错,报错信息:error ERESOLVE unable t...
从仓库下了前端的项目,运行时报了这个错: line 1: react-app-rewired: command not found 1.网上查了资料,需要安装 create-react-app 解决: 执行命令: sudo npm i -g create-react-app 输入电脑密码后,安装 注意:如果 不加 sudo,可能会报无权限 2.执行 npm install 还报错,报错信息: error ERESOLVE unab...
MAC 上运行 npm报错:line 1: react-app-rewired: command not found 解决: 执行命令:npm i --legacy-peer-deps 参考:https://www.cnblogs.com/whycai/p/16619175.html
大致意思就是react-app-rewired这个插件升级导致了不会单独生成dev和prod配置文件了,所以导致文件找不到。需要将react-app-rewired版本固定在1.6.2,这样处理能解决上面的问题, 但是又出现了一个新问题,大致内容是can not find module react_script/package.json ...
// 解决报错: Inline JavaScript is not enabled. Is it set in your options? javascriptEnabled: true, })(config, env); ... return config; }; Failed to load resource: net::ERR_FILE_NOT_FOUND(build 版本) 错误描述:执行yarn build或npm run build构建生产版本时,构建出的页面未能正确加载样式和...
Thewebpackfield is used to provide the equivalent to the single-function exported from config-overrides.js. This is where all the usual rewires are used. It is not able to configure compilation in test mode because test mode does not get run through Webpack at all (it runs in Jest). It...
If you have several custom overrides using a directory allows you to be able to put each override in a separate file. An example template that demonstrates this can be found inGuria/rewired-ts-boilerplateat Github. 4) Specify config-overrides location from command line ...
VUE项目启动,报错This dependency was not found 遇到的坑与解决办法 我们的项目是合作共同开发,需要合并更新自己的代码 今天在合并test分支上的最新代码,npm run 后遇到的问题如下 第一种问题 这个报错呢就是提示在./src/router/index.js 文件中找不到 @/views/FinancialRecords/index.vue 这个文件 系统把它当作...