Yupis a JavaScript object schema validator. While it has many powerful features, we’ll focus on how it helps us create custom validation rules so we don’t have to. This is a sample Yup object schema for a sign-up form. We’ll go into Yup and how it works in depth later in the ...
我用yup.string()代替yup.integer()修复了这个问题 电话号码:是的。号码()。必需的()。整数(...
(),// phone: yup.number()// .required()// .min(9),// gender: yup.string()// .required(),// sothich:yup// .array()// .required()})constdataProps={email:"phi@classfunc.com",name:"phi nguyen",diachi:{value:3},vietnam:true,// male:"nam",// sothich:[{id:"1",value:'...
validation headless louiskhenghao •1.0.3•4 months ago•0dependents•MITpublished version1.0.3,4 months ago0dependentslicensed under $MIT 105 @hookform/resolvers React Hook Form validation resolvers: Yup, Joi, Superstruct, Zod, Vest, Class Validator, io-ts, Nope, computed-types, Type...
将模式与Formik集成时,yupError.inner是未定义的 、、 我尝试将Yup的架构验证与formik集成起来。但是接收错误,因为yupError.inner是未定义的,这里有一个指向的链接! ) //Integration of Validation > 浏览2提问于2019-07-29得票数 2 回答已采纳 1回答 spring安全性与solr数据库 、 根据客户要求,我们将使用solr...
form-validation-in-cypress fp-cy-helpers from-callbacks-to-tasks full-cy-code-coverage function-decorators functional-js-interview-question functional-middleware functional-pipeline functors-encapsulate-imperative-logic gas-ban-testimony gatsby-netlify-circle-and-cypress get-all-network-...
('phone number is required'),PASSWORD:yup.string().min(8,'minimun 8 chracters required').max(255,'maximum 255 characters allowed').required('password is required'),})export const loginForm=yup.object({EMAIL:yup.string().email('Please enter a valid email').min(5,'minimun 5 chracters ...
import { Form, Input } from 'react-hook-form-components'; import { yupResolver } from "@hookform/resolvers/yup"; import * as yup from "yup"; interface FormInputs { numberInput: number; } const schema = yup.object({ // this will trigger validation and show error message if the inpu...