一个用于生成测试用虚假数据的工具,旨在通过高度定制化、准确性和简单易用的特点,解 决传统mock数据生成器中的不足。无需学习复杂的标记语言,只需通过自然语言描述属性, 即可轻松生成符合预期的虚假数据。 - ai-mock-generator-react-web/src at main · shuyabin/ai-mo
一个用于生成测试用虚假数据的工具,旨在通过高度定制化、准确性和简单易用的特点,解 决传统mock数据生成器中的不足。无需学习复杂的标记语言,只需通过自然语言描述属性, 即可轻松生成符合预期的虚假数据。 - ai-mock-generator-react-web/package.json at main · shuya
进入到stable-diffusion-webui文件夹并且运行web UI工程,创建虚拟环境并安装依赖项。 cd stable-diffusion-webui ./webui.sh 访问本地URL—以通过其用户界面与Web UI交互。 在之后要重新启动 Web UI 进程,请进入到终端上的stable-diffusion-webui文件夹并运行命令./webui.sh。如果要使用W...
importReact,{useState}from"react";constApp=()=>{const[description,setDescription]=useState("");consthandleSubmit=(e)=>{e.preventDefault();console.log({description});setDescription("");};return(Website Idea GeneratorEnter the description<textareaname='description'rows={6}value={description}onChang...
Find out what makes deep learning systems unique and their effects for physicians Explore new tools that make it easier to create, use and improve deep learning models Master the Necessary Theory: Artificial Neurons, Training, Optimization, Convolutionary Networks, Repetitive Networks, Generator Advertis...
Great app code generator with AI. A good one also you can specify that you integrate all the code on one page with the AI prompt. S Sethiya, Rajnikant(AWF)@sethiyarajnikan · What a product this is. I am Figma to Wordpress kind of user and using UiChemy but worked with this for ...
SMART COMPONENTS Smart Paste Button PREVIEW Smart TextArea PREVIEW GRIDS Data Grid Pivot Table Tree Grid Spreadsheet DATA VISUALIZATION Charts 3D Charts 3D Circular Charts Stock Chart Circular Gauge Linear Gauge Diagram HeatMap Chart Maps Range Selector Smith Chart Sparkline Charts Barcode Generator Tree...
React Diagram is used to create, edit, or visualize the diagrams. It has built-in support for flowcharts, organizational charts, mind maps, and more.
LetsAsk.AI ChatGPT for your website Destined for x Empowering underrepresented students Emojination Create fun engaging content in seconds Markup Turn text into structured data, without the hassle Native Forms Build forms, surveys & polls for all platforms ...
The React PDF Generator (PDF Processing) enables you to export a selection of or the entire content of a web page to a PDF file - whether the website is built with KendoReact or any other UI library, including custom-built (internal) components. With it, you can scale the content to ...