一、概述 react项目中,很多时候(尤其是需展示报告的页面)会遇到需要预览pdf文件的需求。而据调研,使用react-pdf插件可以很好地实现这个功能。 二、操作步骤 1. 安装 1 yarn add react-pdf 或 npm install --save react-pdf 2. 新建一个 PdfViewer.jsx 的...
作为一款基于TypeScript编写的组件,React PDF Viewer从一开始就具备了类型安全的优势。TypeScript作为一种超集语言,为JavaScript添加了静态类型检查,有助于开发者在编码阶段就发现潜在错误,从而提高软件质量。在React PDF Viewer中,通过定义清晰的接口和类型别名,可以确保所有传入的数据都符合预期格式,减少了运行时错误的可...
errorComponent react元素[可选]:发生错误时呈现的组件,而不是react-file-viewer随附的默认错误组件。 unsupportedComponent react元素[可选]:在不支持文件格式的情况下呈现的组件。 3. react-file-viewer报错(采坑只限浏览本地文件) 这个是因为后端还没做好,我拿本地文件做测试才会遇到.我把本地docx文件放到了asse...
pdfjs-dist react-pdf pdf-viewer 接下来我会依次介绍一下三个库的使用 pdfjs-dist 其实就是pdfjs库,只是对其进行打包发布到npm了 直接根据官方文档的案例对比进行操作就行了 Examples typescript复制代码import { useEffect, useRef } from 'react'
The PDF Viewer provides a configurable toolbar to help users interact. You can choose to enable and disable a combination of built-in tools or you can add your own. Built-in tools include: pager zoom selection search open download print ...
React PDF viewer 是用于查看 PDF 文档的 React 组件,采用 TypeScript 编写,完全基于 React hooks展开收起 暂无标签 JavaScript等 3 种语言 TypeScript 96.0% SCSS 3.8% JavaScript 0.2% 取消 发行版 暂无发行版 ...
and configure the Syncfusion React PDF Viewer. In this video, you will learn how to set up the Syncfusion PDF Viewer server-side web service and integrate the PDF Viewer component into a React application. You will see how to load a PDF document from a URL to the React PDF Viewer. ...
npm i @pdftron/webviewer Once the package has been installed, copy the `public/core` contents located in your `node_modules/@pdftron/webviewer/public/core` to the `/public/webviewer/core` folder in your React app. We need to do this because the library runs in the browser, so it ne...
React PDF Viewer Library PSPDFKit for Web includes a high-fidelity JavaScript PDF rendering engine that is fully compatible with React. It offers developers a way to quickly embed a highly configurable PDF viewer in any React-based web application.Try...