npm install react-upload --save Usage import React from 'react' import ReactDOM from 'react-dom' import Upload from './Upload' ReactDOM.render(<Upload name="Jane" />, document.getElementById('container')); Test npm test License
an ueditor component for react. Latest version: 2.3.2, last published: 4 years ago. Start using ifanrx-react-ueditor in your project by running `npm i ifanrx-react-ueditor`. There are 3 other projects in the npm registry using ifanrx-react-ueditor.
1、引入tinymce npm install --save @tinymce/tinymce-react 2、在public中引入tinymce的静态文件,下载地址: //如果上述地址不能用,
npm install react-player#or yarn add react-player importReactfrom'react'importReactPlayerfrom'react-player'// Render a YouTube video player<ReactPlayerurl=''/> By default, ReactPlayer supportsmany different typesofurl. If you only ever use one typ...
import { AliyunVodFileUpload, AliyunVodFileUploadEmitter } from 'react-native-aliyun-vod-upload' // Init AliyunVodFileUpload.init( { videoId: '', uploadAuth: '', uploadAddress: '' }, result => { console.log(result) } ) AliyunVodFileUpload.addFile({ path: '', type: 'mp4', ti...
React Antd Upload自定义上传customRequest react按需引入antd,一.React中使用antd1.下载antd包 npmiantd-S2.按需引入//App.jsx文件import{Button}from'antd'//引入按钮组件import{WechatOutlined,ShoppingCartOutlined}from'@ant-design/icons';//icon图标库需
1、npm或yarn安装wangEditor yarn add wangeditor -S 2、封装成一个简单的组件 在components/common目录下新建一个editor文件夹,该文件夹下是封装的组件, 目录结构如下: 下面直接贴代码 2.1、index.jsx: import React, { Component } from 'react';
Install Cloudinary's JavaScript and React packages using the NPM package manager:ConfigurationYou can specify the configuration parameters that are used to create the delivery URLs, either using a Cloudinary instance or per image/video. Note Specify the configuration parameters in camelCase, for ...
通过npm / yarn 方式下载chat-uikit-react-native并在项目中使用,您也可在此基础上进行二次开发。 npm yarn npminstall@tencentcloud/chat-uikit-react-native react-native-image-picker react-native-document-picker react-native-video 添加设备权限
react-native-image-picker作为一个集成相机和相册的功能的第三方库,因为其使用相对简单受到前端开发人员的喜爱。 react-native-image-picker使用 1, 首先,安装下该插件。 npm install react-native-image-picker@latest --save...